Member Since 14 Aug 2010Offline Last Active Aug 03 2012 11:04 AM
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azyluris → LadyIgraine
Oh I feel you. I totally have personal problems with my family. No one said Sone-ing was going to be healthy lol, but we do it anyway. I wish I could Sone without repercussions or guilt, but I've been hiatusing these days. Don't you wish we got paid to be Sones? lol. Then I would love going to work every day 24/7.
Aug 16 2011 11:13 PM
LadyIgraine → azyluris
same with me. i wished to be busy w/ something useful myself so i can't get off the internet, lol. cause going online majority of the time is giving me a headache. and that in turn is getting me all lazy, and i've been having personal problems w/ my family. i seriously need to work or get out of the house, lol.
Aug 15 2011 08:17 PM
azyluris → LadyIgraine
Hey lady unnie! Yeah I do once in a while. Lately I've been busy though. And when I'm on it's usually in the wee hours from like 1AM-5AM chatting it up with dongsaengs lol. I think we have terrible timing with each other. I never catch you online.
Jul 28 2011 01:49 AM
azyluris → LadyIgraine
Hi unnie! lol yeah, I'm sorry I did. It's been a while. How are you? ^^
Jul 02 2011 09:42 PM
hyommy → LadyIgraine
azy unnie is sick right? i hope she's on soon. i miss spazzing with her. xD
let's spazz together on soshi comeback sunbae~ <3
Jul 01 2011 07:09 PM
let's spazz together on soshi comeback sunbae~ <3