Member Since 04 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Jan 03 2020 08:45 PM
About Me
I'm kinda sorta in love with Kim Taeyeon. And I'm beginning to think that it's not a phase.
Feel free to ask me about Girls' Generation, me or anything!
fun things about moi.
1. I love to write but unless I quickly jot it down, Writer's Block or forgetfulness keeps me from finishing anything. Such is life.
2. It only makes sense that I'm an avid reader as well. And I mean, avid. (many years happily married to fanfiction)
3. I'm a sucker for drama+humor fics. Make me laugh and cry and I might just deem you genius.
4. Ever since I got into Kpop SNSD, I dropped anime/manga. I don't regret it. I needed to prioritize.
5. I'm a college student right now, studying hard so I don't become homeless and broke in the future.
6. I'm a hopeless romantic... on paper.
7. I'm one of those people who would tell you if there's something on your face Means I got chur back!
8. Earning my trust isn't the hardest task, but keeping it may be.
9. Girls' Generation saves me everyday.
지금은 소녀시대!
Right now, it’s Girls’ Generation!
앞으로도 소녀시대!
In the future, it’s Girls’ Generation!
영원히 소녀시대!
Forever, it’s Girls’ Generation!
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 318
- Profile Views 6417
- Member Title Unbreakable
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday December 8
the new world
friends, fanfiction, music.
nine angels. soshibond. ot9.
taengsic. -
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