XDXD yoona... yoona said.
i'm your unnie trust in me.. wahahahahahaaahah
i'm cracking up here!!Lol

Hello, i'm yuki
hmm what can i say
i'm friendly
serious [ at most times, really, well don't be afraid to talk to me i won't eat ya. ]
jessica's my 1st favorite because i think we have the same personality.
2nd one's sooyoungie...
of course as you can see.. i like soosica pairing
coz i'm a soosicsphere.! [ hwaiting ~ ]
don't try to mess up with me or else..
maybe i'm over reacting,
hmm. well i don't really i have anything to say right now.
goodbye for now
So nyu shi dae [ hwaiting ~ ]
05 October 2010 - 06:25 AM
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