Member Since 30 Jun 2009Offline Last Active Private
Haven't been here for awhile o.o
Updated 11 Nov · 0 comments
About Me
So yeah about me... how should I describe myself... I list it out
Asian Tomboy : I like to claim that I either look like Donghae or T.O.P but I fail at it haha yet I sucessfully look like a dude anyways haha
Exercising : Yes I need to keep my figure up
Videogames : Yes especially when playing COD MW2 yet I still feel like a noob playin it -__-
Writing : oh yes this is the pinnacle of my life hehe I blame my Creative Writing Class for this :3
ADD : It means Attention Defici- oh look something shiny! 8D nah seriosuly my attention span can be lacking and my friends claim that I space out relentlessly in our meaningless converssations... not sayin that the conversation is meaningless I just have a lack of interest
Procrastinator : Yes I am especially this one time when I had to do a vocab project and do an essay using all the vocab that I don't know... and I did it the before it was due and the essay ended up being 7-8 pages hehe got to crazy with my Creative Writing skills :3
Look young for my Age: Yes so true especially this time where my Dad's friend's wife asked me ,"Oh so what grade in high school are you in?" -__- Although I like the fact I look young yet being confused for a highschooler D:<
Short D:< : yes I am 5'2and a half lulz yeah I hate it when ppl are taller then me I don't know why but at least I want to be an inch taller
Filipino: yes very hardcore about it too hehe yet I look more asian then Filipino to be honest since ppl think I'm half chinese or something
Music: Have a huge list of music
Jrock/VisualKei: Miyavi(obviousbcuzofmyusername), Dir En Grey, Alice Nine, Gackt, Orange Range, The Pillows (FLCL! 8D)
Kpop: SNSD (of course), Kara, BEG, Big Bang, f(X), Super Junior
Other: Reel Big Fish, Sublime, No Doubt,... can't think of any at the moment
Stay Gold- Pairings- JeTi, Taeny, TaeSun, HyoSun, SooRi, Yoonhyun
Pull the Trigger - Pairing- JeTi
My Guardian Angel: Pairing - SooRi
Stolen (Ongoing Version) - Pairing JeTi sadly discontinued hehe sorry ^^;;
Sayonara - Revolving around Jessica Pairing - ?
Miyavi's Collection's thread - One-shots/Drabbles
Pairings: JeTi, SooRi, and other various pairings
JeTi Oneshot fics
Romeo and Jessica
Banana Pancakes
No Surprise
Haven't Met You Yet
Just Go
NOTE: I am possibly moving these one-shots to my new one-shots thread
[i]SooRi one-shots
There is
Asian Tomboy : I like to claim that I either look like Donghae or T.O.P but I fail at it haha yet I sucessfully look like a dude anyways haha
Exercising : Yes I need to keep my figure up

Videogames : Yes especially when playing COD MW2 yet I still feel like a noob playin it -__-
Writing : oh yes this is the pinnacle of my life hehe I blame my Creative Writing Class for this :3
ADD : It means Attention Defici- oh look something shiny! 8D nah seriosuly my attention span can be lacking and my friends claim that I space out relentlessly in our meaningless converssations... not sayin that the conversation is meaningless I just have a lack of interest

Procrastinator : Yes I am especially this one time when I had to do a vocab project and do an essay using all the vocab that I don't know... and I did it the before it was due and the essay ended up being 7-8 pages hehe got to crazy with my Creative Writing skills :3
Look young for my Age: Yes so true especially this time where my Dad's friend's wife asked me ,"Oh so what grade in high school are you in?" -__- Although I like the fact I look young yet being confused for a highschooler D:<
Short D:< : yes I am 5'2
Filipino: yes very hardcore about it too hehe yet I look more asian then Filipino to be honest since ppl think I'm half chinese or something
Music: Have a huge list of music
Jrock/VisualKei: Miyavi(obviousbcuzofmyusername), Dir En Grey, Alice Nine, Gackt, Orange Range, The Pillows (FLCL! 8D)
Kpop: SNSD (of course), Kara, BEG, Big Bang, f(X), Super Junior
Other: Reel Big Fish, Sublime, No Doubt,... can't think of any at the moment
Stay Gold- Pairings- JeTi, Taeny, TaeSun, HyoSun, SooRi, Yoonhyun
Pull the Trigger - Pairing- JeTi
My Guardian Angel: Pairing - SooRi
Stolen (Ongoing Version) - Pairing JeTi sadly discontinued hehe sorry ^^;;
Sayonara - Revolving around Jessica Pairing - ?
Miyavi's Collection's thread - One-shots/Drabbles
Pairings: JeTi, SooRi, and other various pairings
JeTi Oneshot fics
Romeo and Jessica
Banana Pancakes
No Surprise
Haven't Met You Yet
Just Go
NOTE: I am possibly moving these one-shots to my new one-shots thread
[i]SooRi one-shots
There is
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 193
- Profile Views 8172
- Member Title silent ninja
- Age 33 years old
- Birthday August 7, 1991
Not Telling
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