- Soshified
- → Viewing Profile: Reputation: jimsoonkyu
Member Since 09 May 2010Offline Last Active Private
About Me
(this is formerly jim<3sunny, used to lounge on sbox 24/7 last year o_o)
I'm forever lurker and doesn't post much here at soshified.
If you see me in person you won't think I'm a huge SNSD fan
. SNSD took over my life lol the girls changed me a lot (^o^)/
I used to update Soshi stuffs on my twitter account and soompi like a year ago but my work took it away
I wish I can be more productive as a Sone like most Sones are. Sorry guys
I have a blog on my own in which I'm the only one who can read containing the cheesiness of my fandom life lol
I love music and I watch movies a lot. Prior to this fandom, I am so much into online gaming and Korean movies.
I just lurk here on soshified. I'm much more active on twitter to spazz with other sones about our girls keke. Let's follow each other guys! @jimsoonkyu
And oh, coming from a guy, I never loved the color of pink. But seeing the images below, I think it's one of my favorite now.
I've reached the bandwidth on my photobucket. All of my photo links are gone
I'm forever lurker and doesn't post much here at soshified.
If you see me in person you won't think I'm a huge SNSD fan

I used to update Soshi stuffs on my twitter account and soompi like a year ago but my work took it away

I wish I can be more productive as a Sone like most Sones are. Sorry guys

I have a blog on my own in which I'm the only one who can read containing the cheesiness of my fandom life lol
I love music and I watch movies a lot. Prior to this fandom, I am so much into online gaming and Korean movies.
I just lurk here on soshified. I'm much more active on twitter to spazz with other sones about our girls keke. Let's follow each other guys! @jimsoonkyu
And oh, coming from a guy, I never loved the color of pink. But seeing the images below, I think it's one of my favorite now.
I've reached the bandwidth on my photobucket. All of my photo links are gone

Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 139
- Profile Views 8282
- Member Title SoshiStruck
- Age 14 years old
- Birthday June 1, 2010
On a journey spreading Soshi's greatness with my pink lightsaber
Movies, Music, Anything about South Korea
Favorite SoShi Member
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