Member Since 28 Apr 2010Offline Last Active Apr 17 2012 01:04 PM
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kyu_sica → ThuNderBuLL
Hey there!!
Thanks for the add!! (:
Hope that we can be good chingu here.. ^_^
Thanks for the add!! (:
Hope that we can be good chingu here.. ^_^

khevzs → ThuNderBuLL
oh, jeongmal?! when? I'm sorry im so late oppa~~! but I will still greet anyways.. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY OPPA~~! ahe.. so how's your birthday oppa? teehee..

OhMySica♡ → ThuNderBuLL
That's too many.Lol SHINee's HB only had 12 episodes.XD

Boboy321 → ThuNderBuLL
Ah hey bro!
Everything is still the same for me everyday keke
How about you?
Everything is still the same for me everyday keke
How about you?

omgupwnz → ThuNderBuLL
Ah they have this collab with intel right now, the song is so cute ><

xella08x → ThuNderBuLL
Been really busy. Sigh! T.T Ohh! Happy Belated Birthday! I know! I'm sooo late. D":

yeaaah me too hahaha.
sica always make me smile in every step that i take so i decided to set up sica's photo in my Blackberry home screen. lol.
sica always make me smile in every step that i take so i decided to set up sica's photo in my Blackberry home screen. lol.

ThuNderBuLL → xella08x
oh btw... whr the hell have u been ? havn`t heard from u since for ever :/