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Member Since 24 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2022 09:34 AM

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In Topic: [PICTURES] 「GLOBAL GENERATION」소녀시대 4주년기념 선물

26 July 2011 - 12:04 AM

wow wow wow wow wow wow. The gifts. <3333

I love the rings and the watches. <333

I just lol'd at the 'Grow your own cucumber garden' hahaha. What would be Jessica's reaction? LOL.


as a dongsaeng sone, when I grow up and have a job and lots of money, I'll donate money to buy gifts for the girls' through SSF ^_^

In Topic: Happy Third Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대

05 August 2010 - 12:53 AM

Its definitely the 3rd year of Girls' Generation. I never been into KPOP since last months. But I already knew them before I started to LOVE and PRAISE them. It was their 'Gee' days. So, I was caught by it. I push it aside because of the reason that, its a great song but I don't understand so it's nonsense. I was like that. But then, I realized that, it's not the words or the songs or the movements they had done or whatsoever. It is the bond that amazed me, It's hard to have 9 people in a group. It's complicated. Still, they have this kind of bond that when 1 of them is apart they feel that they are not totally COMPLETE. From all the videos and variety shows I've watched, they deserve what they have and reached right now. It's a blessing from our Lord.

I am a rookie SONE but I feel like I've been with them for that 3 years. I feel the love and joy. No words can express how much I love them. I dumped my bestfriend over Girls' Generation, and I don't have regrets in it, because she can't stand my addiction to them. Its up to her if she can understand who and what's Girls' Generation for me.


Thank you so much! For everything. I'll say a little prayer before this day ends. Please always stay what you are right now. We are proud of you. Never mind those anti's. They're just wasting their time. I believe that they are SONE's more than real SONE's, because even though they hate you, they are still updated and catching some actions that they can bash on with you. My loyalty is always with the Girls' Generation. Happy Birthday SNSD! :')

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cr: uploader.

In Topic: [PICS] Forever9: 3rd Anniversary Gifts

17 July 2010 - 06:45 AM

i really love those things!
aww. Soshi will love it! :)

SONES are jjang!
Man, I envy them. lol.