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Member Since 23 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2012 07:42 AM
can't wait for 9 march then it's taeyeon's birthday :D Updated 24 Apr · 8 comments

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  • Group Rookies
  • Active Posts 12
  • Profile Views 5268
  • Member Title SoshiHoney
  • Age 37 years old
  • Birthday March 9, 1987
  • Gender
    Male Male
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    where do you think ?
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    ✔Verified Official SONE
    ©Lee Jay®

    forever a 소원 (S♥NE)
    So Nyeo Shi Dae Saranghae ♥

    *Let me introduce myself. I am Jay. It is a pleasure to meet you

    ( GorrJess ask me lol)

    ☞Girl celebrities you think are pretty: Are you serious SNSD of course
    ☞Your biggest complaint currently: No computer at home
    ☞Numbers you like: Number 9 =)
    ☞Your mood right now: DAEBAK
    ☞What you want to do right now: I want to see SNSD but they are not coming :(
    ☞Personality: Bright I guess? (People say I don have a very good first impression but when they know me better they really like me)
    ☞Cigarette: Smoking is also always N O
    ☞Drinking capacity: Beer is always N O
    ☞Phone greeting: I can't type in what I want. I broke it.
    ☞Ringtone: TT_TT
    ☞Caller rings: TT0TT!!
    ☞Habits: thinking, laying down
    ☞My charm: If I get closer to someone, that person can depend on me.
    ☞Time I get to school: ?
    ☞Bedtime:Whenever I want to sleep
    ☞Where do you live right now: Somewhere in Korea
    ☞First kiss: When are you going to kiss me? (if you're a girl of course)
    ☞When you see a girl, where do you look first: Eyes
    ☞If your girlfriend was dying: I would do whatever it takes to rescue her!
    ☞Lifestyle principle: There is nothing in life that comes looking for you
    ☞Precious friends: My hyung
    ☞About antis of SNSD: good bye
    ☞What you want to do: I want to meet SNSD and SONEs
    ☞A drama that you had fun watching? Ohh god there are so much drama's
    ☞If you did, where: What ? O_O
    ☞Life is?: SNSD :D
    ☞If you had to choose between love or friendship: Both~(I can do it^^)
    ☞Yourself 20 years later: I love you
    ☞Yourself 80 years later: am I alive?
    ☞And in what ways does it affect your memory: I forget "facepalm"
    ☞What looks like half apple: The other half
    ☞How can a man go eight days without sleep: He sleeps at night
    ☞Jay are you a troll : NO you ?
    ☞Do you have a girlfriend: No i don't have a girlfriend
    ☞Jay? : That's me
    ☞-_-" : ??? =D
    ☞A country you want to see the most: America, Australia,Turkey,Canada!
    ☞Ideal girl: It could be you who’s reading this right now
    ☞What you want to say to those who read this: HI XD

    and guys can you add my friends on Facebook ? :D
    PS: lol i don't have facebook XP

    I desire for endlessness, but because it's an impossibility and mere greed, I carefully pray... May they not lose who they are and healthily live on... May 소녀시대 and SONE live in each other's hearts... Right now... from now on... forever... 소녀시대!"
    "If you will be SNSD next life, so will I be a SONE."
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    Korea, South Korea (KR)

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