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[28.07.2013] How I met Tiffany in L.AMy Fanaccount of meeting Tiffany :D

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:10 PM

Although it happened quite a few months back, I never officially wrote about my experience and I just felt like this would be a good place to do so. I hope you enjoy reading my experience as much as I enjoy remembering and writing about it :).
This happened at July 28, 2013. Sunday if you want to be specific. I'm sure you guys have heard about it, but it was the day Taeyeon, Sunny, and Tiffany all went to L.A at the Dodger's Stadium with Taeyeon singing the Korean National Anthem for Korea Day, Sunny pitching the first ceremonial pitch, and Tiffany singing the American National Anthem.
Truth is I actually live in San Francisco and had no means of going to the game, as tickets were quite expensive and the chance I would ever see them and get an autograph were next to none, however I was on a website that had a bunch of Soshi fans in it. One generous Soshi fan was holding a contest where you write a story about how much you loved the girls and how you came to discover them, etc, and I saw not many people were entering, and took my chance. This contest was a month before the date TaeNySun would come, and reading the other stories by other people, I didn't really bother knowing I wouldn't win the contest. A week before July 28 however, I got a message from the host of the contest saying one of the winners was unable to come and asked if I could come in his place. Excitedly, I accepted and began planning to go to L.A from S.F.
The day before, I went on a MASSIVE SHOPPING SPREE FOR PINK. I had a pink jacket, pink shirt, pink undershirt, pink shorts, pink shoes, YOU NAME IT. I wasn't sure that I would be able to meet SNSD close up, but I wanted to at least let them know that fans were there to support by standing out like a pink highlighter in the blue crowd of the Dodgers.
So there I was, one of the youngest I believe, and shortest, random pink girl standing in the midst of other Sones in the very front awaiting the arrival for SunTaeNy. I went alone, and luckily the host even accompanied me with the other winners of the contest so I wouldn't get lost. We were all waiting, tanning under the hot blazing sun, when someone screamed. "OH MY GOD TIFFANY!!!!!!!!!!"
Everyone jumped up, screaming "WHERE?!!?" and scanned the field ahead.
There they were, Taeyeon in a beautiful blue dress, Tiffany, angelically standing out in her white dress, and Sunny who was in a Dodger Uniform.
Previously, a bunch of other teenage girls stood next to the pack of Sones and screamed at the sight of their Athelete Celebrity. All the Sones laughed, some commenting, "Pfft, is that all they got? Watch when SNSD comes on!" And when they came out, it was EXTREME.
Yeah I was the youngest, yeah I was the shortest, yeah I stood out like a sore thumb but BOY I WAS THE LOUDEST ONE THERE. To the point the security guards threatened to remove me if I did not stop 'disturbing' other people. I was far, as close as I could be seat-wise, but my god they were absolutely breath-taking and gorgeous. Just knowing that the girls I LOVED were right in front of me, I couldn't stop shaking in excitement.
Short after, Taeyeon was introduced and sang the Korean National Anthem. (HEARING THEM LIVE WAS JUST AMAZING OMG) Then Tiffany (IT WAS EARGASMIC) and Sunny (whose pitch was just fine). They stayed outside for about 5 minutes, taking photos with the media and such, but left right after. Although they did notice the Sones that supported them, their strict managers didn't give them the freedom to come over to our side and greet us (like how Tiffany did when she threw the first ceremonial pitch).
Right after, my friends and I (the host and other winners) decided we would try to find them up at the V.I.P section. Our tickets were Club Suite, basically V.I.P, and we were allowed up. We noticed a lot of cameramen pacing around and decided to wait where we saw many cameramen enter. We waited for a good 20 minutes until we saw the Korean mascot SNSD were with enter the hall. I told my friends that we should follow them because the mascots would have to undress somewhere and that it could possibly lead us to SNSD. Seeing how we were unable to see SNSD at the hall we were waiting at, we followed the mascot.
The mascot went into a room and disappeared. My friends and I waited for a while, and suddenly Taeyeon came out of the room in her blue dress! I was excited and nervous at the same time, I wanted to run up to her and ask for an autograph, but I didn't want to scare her. So I trailed behind her, saying "You're beautiful Taeyeon! I love you!!" which she smiled and replied, "Thank you." to, and saw her enter the bathroom which I patiently waited outside of. She changed from her dress and I held out my photobook and a sharpie asking for an autograph. She was going to, but her manager next to her told her to keep going. She bowed down to me and said, "Sorry." and gave a quick smile before running off back into the room.
We waited outside again, waiting about 15 minutes before the door opened revealing a beautiful girl in white. It was Tiffany. My friends and I stood there in shock, unsure whether to follow and ask for an autograph seeing there were two security guards trailing around her. She was walking away and so I yelled in the hallway, "Tiffany!! Can I have an autograph?!" She turned around and smiled, "Uhm..When I come back!!"
I replied, "Really?!?!"
She said, "I promise!! I'll be back!" before turning around again and running off.
Those 20 minutes must have been the longest 20 minutes in my life. We waited outside the door she exited from, with our merchandise and sharpies ready, and I heard a familiar voice down the hallway. She came back, chatting with other people, when she saw us. She walked towards us and I began talking to her. I also had my phone out recording the conversation. Video here: []https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=585614268157676&set=vb.503051759712455&type=3&theater]
"Tiffany! You know, I wore pink just for you!!" I told her as she took the pink sharpie out of my hands.
"Really? Aww thank you!" She told me.
[more in the video]
I asked a lot of questions, I know, I was really excited that's why. I had even rehearsed of what to say to her if I ever met her, but I never knew it would ever happen and I forgot everything I wanted to say, only repeatedly saying, "You're beautiful." My voice got really high pitched when I saw her too, looking back at the video, it's kind of embarrassing for me.
When she was gone my friends and I were wondering on how to ask her for a photo. But the best thing ever was, she asked us if we wanted to take a picture altogether! How I love Tiffany. When we posed for the photo she said, "Say Soshi!!"
After we took the photo, she finished up signing all our merchandise and we thanked her. My friend extended his hand for a handshake, but Tiffany refused it and gave a hug instead. Then went to each of my friends and gave them a hug, leaving me last in her embrace. Afterwards, we told her Happy Birthday and thank you. She told us how thankful she was for us fans, and said her goodbyes.
My signed merchandise :
"What's your name?"
"Uh, J A R D I N E."
-Leans in closer-
"It's like Sardine but with a J."
"Cute." She chuckled.
"Aww, thank you!"

Edited by pilona, 13 November 2013 - 07:50 PM.

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ChoAegyo ChoAegyo
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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:26 PM

You are so lucky. Awesome fanaccount. Tiffany is so nice OMG. I want to see her again too. Come back to AMERICA!!!

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:30 PM

HA!!!! OMG I saw this video on youtube soooo long ago! I loved it! I'm so happy you got to meet Tiffany! Great to hear even more of this story!

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svnnynight svnnynight
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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:31 PM

did Taeyeon and Sunny go to the hotel while you guys were waiting for tiffany?

Oh my god, Tifanny looks so beautiful and you look stunning :ohmy: I want signed fany stuff, she looks so cute and adorable in the second picture and your friends omfg I want friends who love kpop as well

Edited by pilona, 13 November 2013 - 07:48 PM.

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:42 PM

It always warms my heart to hear about how much of a sweetheart Fany is. Makes me proud to be a SONE, really.

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:49 PM

Moving to Fanaccounts section~
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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:50 PM

Woah woah woah, at least give me photo credit for the picture of Tiffany! :P

That day was great, even though that picture in the hallway made me look really bad and I couldn't form proper sentences :[

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I had this signature made for me, but any SONE can use it ;]

RickachuSNSD RickachuSNSD
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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:58 PM

Tiffany is one of the nicest members in SNSD. Kyaaahhh! Congrats! I'm so happy for you! I hope you treasure this moment for the rest of your fan life. Niice!!!

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 08:04 PM

That's too cool! You are so lucky. I hope I get a chance like this one day. I don't like in Cali, tho, so it's less likely...I had to share your video on facebook to spread the Tiffany wealth. Hope you don't mind! I like sharing these things with my friends and family on there so they can learn to love them too. "How incredibly nice and sweet Tiffany is." Amazing!

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 08:09 PM



other than the fact that you're so lucky...I'll like to say that you're brave as well.

Well...at least a damn sight more brave than me at least...

after reading your fanaccount...im like thinking...what will i do if i really happen to meet them on the street?

the sad truth is...as much as i'm a sone...i think i won't do anything hahahahaha

i would be too shy to even talk to them or even approach them....

The sad life of mine. :(


hahahaha If i was you i would be like in a corner and trying to fix my overloaded nerve components...


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 10:09 PM

You're all lucky fan to Meet Tiffany :)

After reading the fanaccount I Thought to myself Imagine I met them on street somewhere it would so hard for me to go up and ask them for a signature or even a photo lol

Thanks for Sharing!

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sone_0508 sone_0508
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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:13 AM

oh so you're the owner of the video. You're so luckyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! You got to see the lovely and gorgeous Tiffany upclose, talked to her and got her autograph :((((

You have no idea how jealous I was and still am when I first saw your clip a few months ago :(((

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 12:46 PM

o: My Oh My~
You're so lucky to have such an opportunity
And wow, Tiffany followed through & came back to sign your stuff
Not trying to say she wouldn't have, but we all know how busy they are

Tiffany gets +1 in my book x)
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Posted 14 November 2013 - 05:20 PM

Ahh~ I saw the video too <3 (I love your posts on the Ur Getting Soshied -_- page ^^)

Tiffany is just... so nice omfg. *o* Loved your Fan Account too :D I love reading this LOL.
You guys are so lucky to meet her <333
Honestly, I feel like if she wasn't busy, she'd probably hang with you guys all day, hehe :3

(Cuz that's just how nice and amazing she is :D)

Cherish this moment foreverrrrr <3 Hoping my day will some pretty soon :3

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Posted 15 November 2013 - 06:06 PM

This fanaccount made me smile multiple times and confirms easily that our girls are just so kind to their fans, even with their very busy schedules! It's too bad you couldn't get Tae's autograph, but I'm sure she would've signed it if she wasn't too busy. Tiffany was super nice and I had to grin at your descriptions and your conversation, reading this reminded me of the many reasons I love Tiffany. I'm jealous of you and I hope to meet one of them at least once in my life also haha 

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banner credit - sayhellotothestars

KeoLegend KeoLegend
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Posted 20 November 2013 - 06:08 PM

so nice *.*

congratulations !

I still dream with that accomplishing in my life.

Im sure, no matter when, now or when they get their 40's i'll get a pic and a sign *.*


Never lose the hope brothers and sisters!


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<p class="bbc_center"><strong><span style="font-family:'comic sans ms';"><em><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">Proud Taeganger </span></em></span></strong><strong><span style="color:rgb(0,0,255);"><span style="font-family:'comic sans ms';">Proud Sooyoungster</span></span></strong></p>
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Posted 21 November 2013 - 03:50 AM

u are so lucky and i am really jealous of you right now. It was so kind of her to come back and sign all of your stuff. Just shows us how kind our girls are. I hope i get the same opportunity some time. SNSD HWAITING!

Edited by soshi_541n7, 21 November 2013 - 03:50 AM.

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Posted 22 November 2013 - 08:56 AM

Tiffany~~She's such a sweetie and a cutie! Initiating a photo taking with fans is something that i seldom see idols do but gosh fany~ She's just so sweet~ I'm so envy you get to see her upclose, get her signature and a hug from her!! ^^ 

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As a FANYTASTICS member, I promise to love and cherish all that is PINK, to remain secretive with all my dancing mistakes, to outshine others with my aegyo and smiling eyes, and to do everything I can to spread the word about our Brighter than Gems Fany Fany Tiffany!

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Posted 23 November 2013 - 04:24 PM

You're so lucky. I'm super jealous you don't even know. Standing next to her, and talking to her for that long is totally OMG. @_@

But knowing you met her like that it gives me hopes that it's possible to meet them one on one without all the sone swarming the area.

I guess I'll just need some more luck in my life. Please share some to me! T__T

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Evil-005 Evil-005
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Posted 24 November 2013 - 06:14 AM

im so jelly...i live in the arab world..Aint gonna get to see the girls anytime soon

Though i think i would faint if that dimple of taeyeon's comes into my view...

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@  Keitaro88 (06:10:00 PM) same
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@  cinderella@y... (03:37:27 PM) done .. hehe
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@cinderella@yoona damn i can hear that

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@  iheartPreSun (03:27:48 AM) hot mess!