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[MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대August 5th, 2012

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azwinzamri azwinzamri
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:16 AM

Happy 5th Anniversary !!!

it's been five lovely years and your are still together.. u guys are a legend !!!
i salute you guys for all your hard work. SNSD has been an inspire to me.. even though i starting listening to you guys early this year,
i'm like a #1 fan because of you guys' cuteness, dorkyness, beautifulness, funnyness and a lot more.. to many to say it here.
Well HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY .. hope you guys will stay together and be SNSD forever..
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Fiona XD Fiona XD
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:17 AM

Oh my, oh my. Have been too much into twitter I almost forgot here~

A SONE never gets tired of showing their love for SNSD.

The reason why 9 became equal to 1 in my eyes, nevermind all those mathematical things.
The reason why pink became a favorite.
The reason why, well, we have no money. But we know it was money well spent.

The reason why we have friends worldwide.

The reason why we manage to smile on a bad day. Just one look at them.

Once you are in this fandom, there is no way out.

One of the things we regret is not being there from the start.

"Until 5 years becomes 50. And until 500 years."

Yes, we will still love you.
Until forever ends.

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1 = 9

Meh T.

ggSNSDsoshi ggSNSDsoshi
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:17 AM

5 years ago, 9 Angels became as One. I always will love them no matter what. No matter how my friends tease me because I love girl bands, my heart will always be with you guys. ❤
I only regret one thing, Not loving you guys since the beginning. So I'm sorry.

I am going to finish now.

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steffanieong steffanieong
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:18 AM

Wow, in an blink of an eye, it has already been 5 years. 1,2,3,4,5..SNSD have come a really long way.
There is our dorky yet powerful vocals Taeyeon
There is our ice princess but yet warm at the same time Jessica
There is our pretty little eye smile Tiffany
There is our little bundle of sunshine Sunny
There is our shikshin Sooyoung
There is our kabb Kwon Yuri
There is our pretty drama queen Yoona
There is our dancing queen Hyoyeon
There is our dearest maknae Seohyun.

These 9 girls + S<NES are one and we will never be apart.
I love you SNSD<3

Once a S<NE, always a S<NE
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overflowingsoshi overflowingsoshi
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:18 AM

5 years!!! Hahahaha...

All i can say is i'm proud being a S♡NE. Since the beginning, the 9 girls have taught me many things. What is hard-work, faith, love, and friendship. Everything. I became stronger and braver day by day, i'm no longer insecure, no longer having bad attitudes, no longer wasting times, no longer and no longer...

Well ofc not just that. The 9 girls have never failed to make me smile and laugh through my hard times. They just did. Even if i want to cheat w another groups, i cant. They're the only one.

My 9 girls, 9 unniedeul, i'm really proud being what i am now, a 소원, a wish, a guardian. I hope and i believe that we'll stay side by side forever.

I believe, and i love my 9 girls. Forever
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melovepany! melovepany!
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:18 AM

5 years been together, you are my biggest inspiration!
Happy Anniversary. 1 bourbon 1 scotch 1 beer 1 soju for all of you
please keep shining, thanks for all of your work hard!
the queen of Asia, I love you all so much!
and welcome to Indonesia soon, finally we'll meet each other soon!
Indonesia love SNSD!
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chrbr001 chrbr001
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:18 AM

OH WOW. 5 years of watching, listening and loving 9 wonderful gorgeous girls. I have so much feelings that i just want to cry at where we are now. I have never regretted being sleep-deprived. I have never regretted spending my money on albums, photo books and donation/support projects. I have never regretted being scolded by my friends because I spazz too much. I have never regretted loving and caring 9 awesome girls in my lifetime.

BUT there is 1 thing I regret the most... and that is being there where it all began. I wasn't there when SNSD debuted... I WILL MAKE IT UP NOW AND FOREVER. It will be my pleasure to protect 9 jewels forever as long as I'm still living and breathing.

Congratulations Girls' Generation. You have made my generation of kids and other generations happy. Without you I wouldn't know what could make my years here on earth memorable.

Forever Girls' Generation. Forever your SONE.

Edited by chrbr001, 04 August 2012 - 06:28 AM.

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Tumblr & Twitter Hi.

jesschest jesschest
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:18 AM

Dear SNSD, I hope you girls realize how much you all mean to me. You have taught and inspired me in many ways. I will never forget the day I decided to watch your videos. I will never forget the day where I searched clip after clip about you. And I will never forget the day I truly fell in love with you nine girls. You are all beautiful girls, but it is with your personalities where you true beauty shines. With the bottom of my heart, I thank you for that. I pray that one day I get to see you girls in person. That will be the day. A day I would never forget.

Thank you SNSD. May you have a Happy 5th Anniversary with many more anniversaries to come. Today SNSD, Tomorrow SNSD, Forever...SNSD. :)
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hwang diandra hwang diandra
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:20 AM

:banana:happy 5th anniversary to my dorky Girls Generation.. :banana:

keep shinning and go stick together forever..
keep rock the world and dominate it !! :cool:
stay together forever with S :heart: NE too..
jeongmal saranghaeyo unnie~

ps: step your feet to Indonesia soon!!
see yaa :laughing:
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i'm SONE from Indonesia

ReuSashiei ReuSashiei
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:20 AM

Dear SNSD,
You girls have changed my life ever since I've started joining the fandom.
Thanks to you, I've spent nearly $1.5k just on your products. (possibly more?)
Thanks to you, I used up lots of physical space in my room.
Thanks to you, I used up hundreds of Gigabytes of computer memory.
Yet, I've never once regretted having fallen into this fandom.
I may not have been a crazy and loyal fan since your debut,
but I have been crazy enough to try and catch up just like the rest.
I may not have been able to support you girls for everything,
but I have done everything to show support through other means.
You girls have gone a long long way, and now, it's already 5 years.
Where was I 5 years ago? Only starting to listen to Wondergirls I believe...
Why didn't I start supporting SNSD earlier? Why did I only started being crazy in 2009?
Nevertheless, I will still be supporting SNSD all the way.
5 years and counting~ Happy Anniversary and let's hope for more success to come!
~Once a S♥NE, Always A S♥NE~
- Shah Ezuan - SGSone -
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Ruth♡ Ruth♡
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:21 AM

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1 group, 9 powerful voices, 1, dream, over 200,000 fans came together and became one. One community, one group of friends, one family. It's grown from just about 100 people supporting you to almost all of us that are present now. In 5 years, girls generation has grown to be come #1 girl group in South Korea, and perform in stages all over the world, to making people cry of joy or sadness. We have achieved a lot together and I'm oh so very proud of the 9 girls that someday should stand in front of me on a stage, filled with bright lights. I will always hold up my pink light stick high and scream to the top of my voice 소녀 시대 none stop. I will always support you and go out of my way to see you whenever your near. Girls Generation is more than just a girl group, you are friends, you are sisters that may not have met me before, but I still love and care as if we were related.
Let's not stop on 5 years, lets be girls generation for 5 more years, and 5 more after that until both girls generation and s♥nes are old and tired. Let's always cheer each other on for the longest of times.
Happy 5th anniversary Girls Generation
지금은 소녀시대, 앞으로도 소녀시대, 영윈히 소녀시대
사랑해 소녀시대~~!!!
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{signature © obelisk @ sff} {check out my artwork thread}

Bboy88 Bboy88
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:21 AM

omg, its have been 5 yrs since an era first began. You girls made me into a kpop fans. No matter what others new groups popped out, you girls will always have the no 1 spot in my heart. I have been away from soshified for months due to studies, but today i told myself no matter what i had to be online no matter how busy i am. Withoput further ado, happy 5th anniversary snsd!!!!!! I wish u girls all the best in the future to come, 지금은 소녀시대, 앞으로도 소녀시대, 영원히 소녀시대!
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dychrissie366 dychrissie366
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:21 AM

Happy 5th Anniversary girls!

Man, what an adventure. I'm honestly so glad to be apart of this fandom!
You girls have seriously brought so much happiness into my life! :D I found out about SNSD in late 2009 and it was probably one of the best things that has happened to me since, I swear!
On par with other epic moments in my life, would be seeing you girls in person. My first time ever, was during the Sydney Kpop Festival in November.
Just thinking back to that day gives me an adrenaline rush. Seeing you all walk past me on the stage...I can remember being absolutely mesmerized. And then your concert in BKK..being surround by just you girls and by SONES.
It made me realize how much I want to continue being apart of this experience, this fandom.

but since 2009, I've watched them grow. I can't believe how beautiful they all are now. I started off loving my bias; but as I watched more and more shows I simply grew to love them all.
I sincerely hope that there will be many more anniversaries to come.
For however long SNSD plan on staying together, I will be sure to support them all the way!

Wishing you girls all the best that life has to offer, as well as happiness, success and health.
Thank you, for coming into my life. I love you all! :D

Girls' Generation HWAITING!
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Happily addicted to Taeyeon and TaeNy
tumblr: taeyeonforct
You are the strength, that keeps me walking.
You are the hope, that keeps me trusting.You are

the light, to my soul. You are my purpose..you're everything

TiffanyOnly TiffanyOnly
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:21 AM

Time walked so fast until you don't realize it...
now our pure innocent girls have reach 5th year in entertainment especially K-POP...
all i want to say is Happy 5th Anniversary for our adorable 9 girls of SNSD...
we've reach the best Girl Group in K-POP Industry, but we must not proud of it...
stay fighting Girls' Generation... We Sones will be here supporting you all...

Right Now it's Girls' Generation, Tomorrow it's Girls' Generation, Forever Girls' Generation

Girls' Generation Hwaiting!
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The Kid Leader and The Deadliest Eye Smile Fany Fany Tiffany
Love TaeNy Forever ^^

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illuminati24 illuminati24
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:22 AM

Happy 5th Anniversary to my girls, our girls, Girls Generation
Thank you for being our lovely girls group..
All the best for you all.. May you all be well and happy every day..

소녀시대 사랑해
난 영원히 소원이다!!!
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sanimeljoy0419 sanimeljoy0419
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:22 AM

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To the GIRLS I love, Happy 5th Anniversary!!!

We've made it! We have broken the 5-year curse.

And it's all because we are one, 'SNSD + SONEs' is what made this possible.

Thank you for those 5 years.

Those 5 years where you shed so many tears, both because of sadness and happiness.

Those 5 years where you are under the scrutinizing public eye, judged and misunderstood.

Those 5 hellish, tiring, hectic years where you only get 2-4 hours of sleep.

Those 5 years where you experience literally living in a plane, travelling from one country to another.

but never the less, in those 5 years we also experience...

SONEs never living you side even when the darkness threatens to eat you alive.

The rise of the Nation's Girl Group with the phenomenal Gee.

Following the year 2009 with Genie, Oh! and Run Devil Run as the start of Global Generation.

With the start of you 1st concert tour, we have been much more closer.

and little did we know that with your advancement in Japan, it will just make you name much and much bigger.

then the venture to the US and all of the world.

We are ready for you Girls. The world awaits for more.

and here we are, 5th of August, the day the we are dreaming of are now under our feet.

The 'D-DAY' that we are all dream to celebrate together.

From the darkness rise the more brighter and stronger than ever Girls' Generation.

Kidding aside, i thank antis for making us, you girls, stronger. Truthfully, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Thank you for being my inspiration, role models, tear jerkers, happy pills, and everything.

I might not be there from the start, but surely I will be there until forever.

Forever is possible right? You girls made me think so.

As long as we hold onto each other's hands, we will conquer the world.

I will wait patiently until the day comes where I can finally meet you in flesh.

I love you. <3

Right Now, Tomorrow, and FOREVER


Edited by sanimeljoy0419, 04 August 2012 - 09:35 AM.

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PikaPica PikaPica
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:23 AM

Happy 5th Anniversary Girls' Generation!!
I have a lot in mind but it's really hard for
me to express them in words. But...
Girls' Generation is like almost my everything
Like.. You guys are my role model. I envy
How you guys can keep such a close relationship and
bond. I envy how you guys have such great
perseverance. On one of the 소녀시대 와 소년들 episode
I remember the consellor saying about how kids like 지수/용현/회훈
I forgot which one of them but the consellor said that even though they are not outspoken
they tend to turn to their idols for "help". It's the same case for me
Girls' Generation gives me a lot of strength. And I really mean it
I can't express everything I want to say but I'm sure you guys know right :) Soshi-sone telepathy
I hope Girls' Generation lasts as long as possible
Stay healthy, stay happy, stay together.
Please visit Singapore soon! Have a fanmeet or concert again please!!
지금은 소녀시대
앞으로도 소녀시대
영원히 소녀시대
소녀시대 사랑해 ❤
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jennifer08 jennifer08
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:24 AM

Dear Girls' Generation... I'm just one of the few people who are very thankful that you guys exist in this world... For us Sones you've become an inspiration and our role model especially when it comes to your friendship and determination. Some of us are celebrating in our own little way too... Preparing balloons and releasing them to the sky when 00:00KST arrives... But the most important thing for us is for you girls to continue inspiring people and loving each other and ofcourse enjoying what you have right now... I'm proud to be a sone... So are my sisters and so are millons of SONEs around the globe...God Bless you all and keep in mind that SONES will forever be with SOSHI... SNSD fighting! Sones loves you! :-)
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loveblood loveblood
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:24 AM

This is the first time I leave a messege on Soshified.
5/8 is a special day.
My wish is Soshi bond is forever.
The girls completely change my life. Thank you.
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mαxwell mαxwell
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:24 AM

5 years of Greatness..
there's really no other words to say but, SNSD is the best!

happy 5 years anniversary girls!

^-^ -.- ~_^ =D =( =P >=( =) o.o
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@  cinderella@y... (03:37:27 PM) done .. hehe
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@cinderella@yoona damn i can hear that

@  cinderella@y... (05:28:51 AM) su su su
@  iheartPreSun (03:27:48 AM) hot mess!
@  Keitaro88 (10:34:31 AM) >_> https://pbs.twimg.co...pg&name=900x900
@  datlmhg (04:34:14 AM) .
@  Keitaro88 (05:00:59 PM) out!
@  Keitaro88 (05:00:52 PM) @iheartPreSun same :D
@  Xin<3 (08:23:55 AM) shout!
@  iheartPreSun (12:26:57 AM) @Keitaro88 glad you're still around ^^
@  Keitaro88 (10:07:28 PM) @iheartPreSun sup :D
@  iheartPreSun (05:17:17 PM) @Keitaro88 yo
@  Keitaro88 (04:38:32 PM) lol
@  iheartPreSun (02:09:04 AM) lol shout here with m chingu
@  SoshiSNSD09 (12:26:11 AM) shoutbox ded lol