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[MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대August 5th, 2012

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shincaijin shincaijin
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:38 PM

Happy Happy 5th Anniversary to my beautiful angel

unnies, Girls' Generation! ^^ Let's make it until 500

years! keke~ ^^ There's nothing much to say than a cute

SONE here will love and support you until next lifetime~

I love you all~

the girls who brought me so much joy, my happiness~

you truly make my life complete~ TT

-Love, @Sunshine080507

God Bless SNSD since 08/05/07 ---> http://www.youtube.c...e=youtu.be&hd=1

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I remember, this is your favorite Soshibond pic~ that you even hang this in your living room^^

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Edited by shincaijin, 05 August 2012 - 12:29 AM.

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alanzoka alanzoka
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:38 PM

Happy 5th Anniversary angels!
Five years. Five years since your debut for later to become one of the most successful girls groups in South-Korea. Even though it's only 2 years since I've got to know Girls' Generation, these might the two years where I was most inspired by something in my life. Every since I saw you girls on Gee and couldn't even tell who were who then started researching about you, got to know better,every single one of you I was deeply touched. The struggle, tears and everything you've been through to get where you are today is really something. Five years since your debut and two years since I know you but feels like I know you for much longer than that, must be our SOSHI/SONE connection, right? You girls had a great impact in my life and today I im glad I`m a much better person than I was before because of your music, your bond and really just the nine of you. You have something so beautiful that I can`t explain. Just by listening to you, seeing you or anything related to you my heart feels at ease. It `s something I really can`t explain, must be fate or something and I`m really happy for it.

I wish for the bottom of my heart for many other anniversaries to come, that you ALL stay healthy and achive ALL of your dreams. Please take care of yourselves and let our bond and love grow even stronger as time passes.

I want to dream forever with you. You make my life Complete.

I love you, we are ONE. Forever 9.

Right now, in the future, forever 소녀시대!
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:38 PM

happy 5th anniversary :) may god bless bless snsd .. taking care ur health is very important ..
snsd 4ever .. don't split .. stay as a family snsd 4ever ..
snsd daebak ! pls come to malaysia again .. :)
right now is snsd ! future snsd ! 4ever snsd !
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soozarr soozarr
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:38 PM

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Celebrating our precious 9, 5th Anniversary.
The reason why I’m able to meet and be friends with people from all over the world. The reason why we’re helping each other out because we’re Sone and we love the 9. The reason for me to create wallpapers to share and ultimately no matter how cliche this sounds..the reason is… LOVE.
Happy 5th Anniversary Girls’ Generation and Thank You very much! *90 degrees bow*

Edited by izone, 04 August 2012 - 08:04 AM.

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Follow me @soozarr | Sooyoung S♥ranghe! SNSD Fighting! My Favorite Number Had Always Been 9. It's Fate.

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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:38 PM

Happy Anniversary Girls!

it's been 3 years since I became a Sone.. 1st time being so dedicated to a group like this..

anyways, I wish you all good health, a prosperous career, and someday, to be able to meet all of your destined one..

I Love you Girls' Generation! Happy Anniversary!

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SW_Hwan SW_Hwan
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:38 PM

Happy 5th Anniversary to the most electrifying girl group in South Korea:
Girls' Generation aka So Nyeo Shi Dae

Although you girls debuted 5 years ago, I know about your existance 2 years ago.
Since then my life has changed as time goes by & eventually I became a SONE.
Because of you girls, I've met other SONEs who are good people.

I hope you girls stay together as 9 in the future and face all the challenges & obstacles together.
I also hope that you'll continue promoting as 9 members of So Nyeo Shi Dae.

Thank You for changing my life & making me to become a better person.

Jigemeun So Nyei Shi Dae,

Apeurodo So Nyeo Shi Dae,

Yongwanhi So Nyeo Shi Dae,

So Nyeo Shi Dae SARANGHAE~

Edited by SW_Hwan, 04 August 2012 - 10:47 PM.

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violet_ergoproxy violet_ergoproxy
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:39 PM

Happy 5th Anniversary~! Happy Birthday SNSD! HAppy Birthday Sones~
Today is a very sacred day for pink blooded people. :D

It starts on 5th August 2007..
but who have thought the name itself define who they are.
A generation.
The thing is.. A generation is something that will lasts forever.
Even as time passes by. But traces of it will still remain.

I wasn't a fan until 2008 after Kissing You era. :confused:
It changes my life very drastically.
If we have a time machine and people coulkd see who I was and compare.
pre-Sones era and post-sones era. You would be shocked.
I'm not exaggeration.
I remember my friends saying this,
" You are very bubby these days. You looks so happy, no longer emo,huh."
Even my family said I was more expressive and bubbly.
Tbh, changes is a good thing. I was lot happier.
I was wrapped around my own misery but then everything was changing for the better.
Thanks to this 9 girls and Sones too.
These girls doesn't just perform and sing & dance on stage.
In a way, they bring impacts on people's lives esp Sones. :D

Thank you for being born, SNSD.
As long as you're SNSD. I will root for every each one of you.
Even when you an ahjumma shi dae, then I';ll be an ahjumma Sones.
like Tiffany one said, "love" is a strong word to say, but I can tell you I love these girls.
after going through ups and downs with you.
I wish you my very best, individual or group, Sones will have your back.
To the space, Taeyeon said. We will expand your generation to the space.
Alien can go Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby too.

Right now, From now on, Forever will always be SNSD. :p:
Taeyeon will always be the dork, midget leader who never fails to thank Sones.
Sica will forever be the melted ice princess. who have aegyos secretly.
Sunny you aegyos are legendary yet I see you will protect your members infinitely.
Tiffany, you eye-smiles are lovely,and so does your heart.
Hyoyeon, dancing was your greatest time to shine.
Yuri, never ditch your kkab Yul side.
Sooyoung, a person who think bout other before yourself except when it comes to food. jk.
Yoona, never afraid to laugh your heart out.
Seohyun, a person with many dreams and you will make them all come true for you are Seohyun that we know.

:bunny: rambling is allowed on this day.

Edited by violet_ergoproxy, 23 July 2012 - 12:00 AM.

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avi : credit to mingying

sig : credit to YooNa_!!!^^


bluepinkz bluepinkz
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:40 PM


5 years already , tears , sweats , laughs , smiles , happiness , sorrows , sleepless nights , hardships , everything , in 5 years you guys already shared it together and have been through it together . 5 years already since 9 angels introduced to the world . 5 years already you guys grew as 9 , together , bringing SNSD behind your name . 5 years already you guys shared everything . At first , people were at doubt , will these 9 girls will last long ? Can they reach 5 years marks ? 2009 comes , people thought , this is their year , their peak , they are at the top of their career , won't getting better than this . 2010 you guys proved it wrong , 2009 isn't your peak , 2010 you guys are still on top . 2011 after a long hiatus , people were in doubt again , can they make it this year , why did they take so long ? What concept will be their next concept , seems like they've tried everything , but again , you guys never stop growing better better and better , 2011 you guys came back after a long time , in a short span on 2011 , again , you guys proved it , you guys still at the top , even better , step by step placing your step on the stairs that we can't see the end of it . 2012 comes , such a busy year for every member doesn't it :) ? And you guys already traveled everyone and going to pursue World Domination xD . Well you guys already got the world domination lol , if not , #5thAnnivGirlsGeneration won't be at the top of trending topics worldwide last night :P . You guys already conquered virtual world ekekeke .

And now , you guys proved it , you guys reach 5 years marks . But is this the end ? Aahaha of course not , i believe you guys will have something even more for the upcoming years . 5 years isn't a short time nor long time , it's just a mark that people made , because we all know , right now , from now on , until forever , Soshi Bond will last . In next 5 , 50 or 500 years , you guys will always be Girls' Generation . You guys will always be our girls , nothing gonna change it . Nothing . And now we are , we live in Girls' Generation era . “Nine people who are very different from each others, have now become one.” for 5 years , until forever . Every single second you guys spend together , it just proving to us that Soshi Bond getting stronger , stronger and stronger . Soshi and SONEs are complementing each other don't they ? For SONEs Soshi is our world , and for Soshi , SONEs is their world . And Soshi is the biggest SONEs on earth , no one can deny it .

I might be not the one among the people on the front line who know you guys and love you guys since the first time , i'm pretty new , not even a year , but i'll reach that mark this year , but I'm sure , totally sure and convinced that me , I , myself , are among those people who stay with you guys , till the very end of us , till the very end of me . Because i stepped my feet already into the Soshi Express , and there's no way out . How can i come out while everytime you guys never fail to amaze us ? :) . I love you guys , i love you more than myself know it , it's weird for me at first , i did things that i never do before , then i realized that , this is what i call love , what we call love , because it makes you do things that u never imagine at first to do it . You guys are inspiration , role model , you guys are one of precious things that we have . Your smiles are our smiles , and your tears are our tears . You guys told us many times that without SONEs you guys wont be able to go through everything . But do you know , without you guys , we won't even do anything , you guys inspired us to do something , because you guys are worth every single everything that we do for you . You can close your eyes for the things you don't want to see , close your ears for things you don't want to hear , but you can't close your heart to love things , to fool yourself with denying the feelings you have and you can't close your brain to stop thinking things that you can't make em out of your mind . Or in this case , at least me , I can't close my heart to love you guys or stop my brain to stop thinking bout you guys , i don't have such a power to fool myself to deny everything because this incredible feelings that i have by seeing you guys is just that strong to be ignored .

I'm not a person who cry easily , but when i fall for you guys , you know , you make me like a crybaby when it comes to you , weird eh ? i know . I also feel the same way , you guys are my tear jerker , smile maker , laugh trigger , and some other incredible feelings that i can't explain . I am my own rainbow , i am the one who can decide the color on my rainbow , colors to bring things into my life , happiness , sadness , etc . And you guys are part of my rainbow , you bring colors to not so colorful rainbow , thank you for it ^^ .

Loving you is one of the best decision i've ever made , i don't have any single regret for it . Because you guys open up my eyes to see things out there more clearly and know things even better . But you guys also make become senseless , i'm affected with Soshi virus that has no cure , but i'm happy with it . Thank you for bringing out the best and the most awkward side from me lol . I'm still learning to be better in everything , thank you for it .

Thank you for everyone who found you guys , thank you for everyone who chose you guys for being together in one group , it isn't easy to make a group consist of 9 girls who have same mental , of never giving up and do the best everytime . SNSD won't be the same if it's not you guys , and no one can replace any of you , because you guys are the best .“Thank you so much to the staff who took nine average girls and turned them into SNSD.” . And thank you again for you guys , for being just the way you are , you guys are perfect in my eyes , perfection in imperfection . Just stay the way you are , because we , i , love you just the way you are .

And at last for my precious 9 angels , girls , sunshine . Thank you , thank you so much , thank you for everything , i don't know how to say this because words itself can't show it , show how much i'm thankful and grateful of your existence . Without you my life won't be this exciting as this . Without you , I won't find new awesome friends around the world . Without you I don't think i can see something so much precious and beautiful as Soshi bond in this world . Without you , I don't think i know the feelings of loving something so much that you don't even have common sense to explain it . Without you I don't know how learn so many things like how to be selfless , etc . Without you , my life won't be complete . So thank you , thank you for never giving up , thank you for everything you do , thank you for setting up high standard , thank you for motivating me , thank you for being you , and at last , thank you , for making my life complete ^^ .

Nine different kiddos who have one same dream , now are nine angels that shining so bright and light up my world , and they're living their dream , together .

Because if there's one thing i should be jealous of from you , it must be your Soshi Bond , cause not everyone in this world is blessed enough to have that kind of unbreakable bond , and that bond is so precious and beautiful till the extend make people teared up because of it .

And here i am , standing right beside you , forever , till the very end of me .

I love you guys , i do , i will forever be .

지금은 소녀시대 !

앞으로도 소녀시대 !

영원히 소녀시대 !

소녀시대 사랑해 !

Edited by bluepinkz, 05 August 2012 - 12:51 AM.

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지금은 소녀시대!! | 앞으로도 소녀시대!! | 영원히 소녀시대!!

한번소원은 영원한소원 !


byun4yul byun4yul
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:40 PM

fifth anniversary yayyyyyyy!!!!

Save! Gonna edit my post later lol

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cr. 김태봉

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Just Ririez Just Ririez
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:42 PM

Happy 5th anniversary, our 소녀시대
I'm not good with words. I can't describe my feelings about how happy i am to be a part of SONE.
But my fellow SONEs probably know or should i say, must know how i feel..
I started to like you girls through Gee in your RDR era.. and now i'm kinda obsessed with you girls.. not that i mind
Once a SONE, forever a SONE..



Edited by Just Ririez, 23 July 2012 - 01:10 AM.

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Born to Be A SONE Born to Be A SONE
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:42 PM

I was lucky enough to discover these 9 angels in the summer of 2009, and not a day goes by where I don't wish I could've been with them when they released Into The New World.

I've told my friends in the past: "I don't know anyone who loves something or someone as much as I love Girls' Generation"
And although they laugh it off as a joke, I know in my heart how true that statement is.

I love Girls' Generation with all my heart, and I am so happy to congratulate them on another year of success.

I laugh, sing, and cry with them, and love them like they're my sisters.

I don't want to babble on for too long, so I'll stop here with a quote of Tiffany's that really rings true with me~

"It's so hard to combine a group of nine girls for this long, and I hope that this can go on."

Love, Audrey <3

Edited by Born to Be A SONE, 26 July 2012 - 12:15 AM.

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UltimateSone! UltimateSone!
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:42 PM


I was a late comer into the 소원 fandom, joining early last year. I think becoming a 소원 was one of the best decisions I've ever made :lol:

I'm not really good with words, so lets keep this simple haha

You 9 started as rookies that were doubted, people didn't think you'd be able to last at least a year but now here you are; 5 years later. All still together, the leader of the Hallyu Wave. ^_^

Thank you for being here, thank you for making great music, thank you for making me smile. Without you 9, I don't know what I'd be doing with my life right now ..

You 9 make my life complete. Let's aim for 5 years more together. 소시 and 소원 :D

지금은 소녀시대!

앞으로도 소녀시대!
영원히 소녀시대!

Edited by UltimateSone!, 27 July 2012 - 10:31 PM.

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"Everything will be good as long as you do your best. Because if you do, there will be no regrets." - Stephanie Hwang

TUMBLR | {❝ Pink Cupid S♥NE ❞ } Credit: [email protected] & [email protected]

Caricactures Caricactures
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:43 PM

5 years with 소시

태연, 제시카, 써니, 티파니, 효연, 유리, 수영, 윤아, 서현 + 소원
The past 5 years have been full of adventure. Us and our girls. Good or Bad, we are all in this together.
From Korea's most hated group to Korea's National Girl-group, these 9 girls have shown people what resilience, determination and pure hard work can do. I will never forget the starting scene of ITNW, where 1 girl spread out into 9.
9 girls, different in personality and other things, can form the most formidable group when put together.
From wide-eyed rookies to today's K-Pop veterans, our girls have done it all. With their presence nearly everywhere in Korea's entertainment scene, nobody can escape from the Soshi-virus.
No amount of words can describe the overwhelming feeling of being a 소원. I'm just so delighted to be able to live in this generation, Girls' Generation.

On August 5th, these 9 precious girls will have been together as 소녀시대 for 5 years.
On August 6th, it will be the start of the 6th year together.

So far, it's been an awesome 5 years with Soshi. Let's do it forever, SONE and SNSD together! :D

지금은 소녀시대!
앞으로도 소녀시대!
영원히 소녀시대!

소녀시대 사랑해~ <3

Edited by Caricactures, 23 July 2012 - 12:05 AM.

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As a Twin Trooper, I promise to always stay loyal to our Twin Generals,
To help and to support them in their dorky conquest of the world, To diligently
defend our YoonYul Alliance base, To assist their master plan of hair growth,
And to always uphold this Twin Trooper vow.

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Cherry92 Cherry92
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:43 PM

Dear Girls~!

It’s been five years... can you believe it? Half a decade! If you count the years of training before, some of you have actually been together for a decade!

All of you, from the slightly shy and anxious teenage girls you started off as, have become so much more mature, so very professional and very dear to so many people throughout the world through the last five years.

I believe I can say in the name of all the SONE out there, you have changed our lives for the better.

For me, personally, you mean the world and more, having given me love, strength, joy and many other beautiful gifts ever since I’ve been following you along your road...

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  • 서현 언니: You have become such a good, diligent and loveable student of your 언니! You have improved so much in every field of life, it’d be hard to list it all and you've become a very beautiful young woman. And you are definitely the brightest shining star in K-pop!
  • 윤아 언니: Your acting has improved a lot and you are still the same beautiful 임초딩 you used to be but somehow more grown-up now. You have been known as a strong person but over the times, you have proven that your physical strength is only a fraction of how strong your heart is!
  • 수영 언니: For me, you were the first one to really catch my attention with your distinctly beautiful features paired with your warm-heartedness, intelligence and humour and I believe you’ve only gathered some more accent on these unique features of yours in the past few years!
  • 유리 언니: I feel like you are the member who’s matured the most, and I like it. I loved you as a one-of-a-kind playful kid with the most beautiful cola tanned skin and I love you still as an attractive and grown-up young adult, with the hint of a playful kid still lingering behind your beautiful voice!
  • 효연 언니: I think you have an outstandingly unique voice and your amazing dancing abilities still improve and amaze me to the day. You’ve definitely taken a permanent place in my heart with your remarkable personality, beauty and humour that makes me fall off my chair all the time!
  • 파니 언니: I’ve grown to love you so much over time. You used to be sweet and innocent and you’ve learnt so much throughout the years. You’ve turned into a stunningly gorgeous-looking young lady who just somehow gives off a special vibe and leaves a deep impression on people.
  • 써니 언니: You’re constantly changing, yet you’re still the same. You never fail to amaze me with your explosive energy and your various talents, every single thing you touch seems to turn into gold. Your sweet voice, prettiness and 애교 are still some of your best features and trademarks!
  • 시카 언니: As time passed by, "얼음공주" has come to be known as the outer shell that you wear above your warm and loving heart. You truly have shown your unique and lovable personality throughout the ages. Your beauty and amazing talent can leave one breathless even today!
  • 태연 언니: Your secrets are hidden within your honesty. You have improved and matured greatly in these past 5 years. Your vocal talents have become one to die for and with your dorky, fun personality and truly angelic looks, you’ve become the ultimate leader in the nation’s heart and even beyond.

소시: Through these past five years, you’ve become a legend, a permanent part of history and future, you’ve become the ultimate ones, the heart of K-pop... 소녀시대, you became MAGIC and I can only hope that SONEs have become the support for you to keep the magic alive.

To tell everything I feel right now, would be way too hard and lengthy to express, but





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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:44 PM

Happy 5th Anniversary for Girls Generation... Keep Shining
Nine of you all is Amazing... Great
Keep Hardworking and waiting for next masterpiece from you all Girls
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:45 PM

Reserving for later posting, will be editing this post again
later after I am done with what I want to write/say.
Thank you1
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:47 PM

August 5th is the day where every SONEs come together and celebrate. Why you ask? This is because it is the anniversary of Girls' Generation, a group full of never-ending dreams. Their 5th anniversary to be exact, which makes everything more special. It is widely known in the Korean pop music scene that the 5 year mark will mean a disbandment for most groups. Girls' Generation reaching the 5 year mark is already and incredible feat. SONEs believe that this particular group of girls will continue for many more years to come. This all started from the infamous Soshi Bond and will end with the infamous Soshi Bond.

I hope Girls' Generation continues to make world domination together with SONEs. SONEs will grow old together with Girls' Generation and forever stay at their side.

9 girls, 1 dream.
With unchanging personalities, beauty, and hardwork, I hope Girls' Generation will continue for the next decades to come.

Finally, I would like to wish the 9 girls,
A Happy 5th Anniversary (:

Edited by Im Awesome~, 04 August 2012 - 05:15 AM.

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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:47 PM

I'm going to save a spot too. ^^ I'm watching SoShi Subs right now so I'm a bit distracted, I'll come back to edit my post later~

EDIT: Well, here's my message...

I really have no words. I'm not that confident in my artistic abilities either to create anything beautiful or epic.

All I have are tears and tissues.

And my hopes that these girls will forever bring me laughter and entertainment and most importantly happiness.

Just stay together for 5 more years or however many years you can. That's all I care about.

One thing I remember reading the other day (and I NEVER remember stuff like this) is "it doesn't matter if you were there from the beginning, what matters is that you're there at the end". And I know this applies to not just me but many, many other S♥NEs.

I really do intend to be here till the end.

Happy 5th Anniversary girls.

And I guess that having 'no words' part was a lie. But I guess typing it out just came naturally once I started.
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:50 PM

I'll throw my lot in and save.
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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:50 PM

firstly, Congratulations!!! all 9 of them, each and every girl... its been 5 years since their debut... woot another legend have been rewritten ne? =)

I am glad that i was attracted by Taeyeon's vocals but I stayed in this fandom because of every Soshi member, their bonds, dorkiness etc... tbh I cant say I love all of them equally, but if any one of these girls is missing, it is not this Soshi anymore... =) Ahjumma/Dorky Kid, Princess/Sleepyhead, Energypill/AegyoQueen, Mushroom/Manager, DancingQueen/Choding, Kkab/BlackPearl, Shikshin/responsible for average Height, Prankster/Doe & lastly Maknae/FutureUNAmbassador ♥♥♥

I cant promise forever, because tbvh, nothing lasts forever...

However, one thing that I am certain is that:

IF Kim Taeyeon, Jessica Jung Sooyeon, Sunny Lee Soonkyu, Tiffany Hwang Miyoung, Kim Hyoyeon, Kwon Yuri, Choi Sooyoung, Im Yoona & Seo Juhyun are the members of SNSD in the next life/alternate universe/dimension & wadnot, I will still be a SONE proudly, willingly, happily =D

Soshi as a fan, all i want to say is Otsukaresama deshita =D Stay healthy & happy always =DD

where 9 has become not just a number, Pink is not just a colour & GG is not just any abbreviation =]

(& Peas/Cucumbers/Sweet Potatoes arent just simply healthy vegetables =x hahaha)

almost forgot to edit this =x hahaha oops

Edited by stopbus, 04 August 2012 - 07:37 AM.

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