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Forever my epic SONE moments @ Music bank Paris and London Part 1music bank, le grand journal, hotel, airport and London

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carolc carolc
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Posted 26 February 2012 - 02:45 PM

Paris Part 1

Warning: this is LONGGGGGGG, I cut down a lot of my personal experience non-soshi related but what happened during the 3 days in Paris and 2 days in London with soshi still take up this amount of writing. If you want to just jump to the snsd bit, go to “Day 1” now xD

Just a bit of background first to say how unlucky we were before this concert. I was originally gonna go to the 9th one but it got cancelled (I went mad at KBS). Booked my flight already coz it’s cheap and since it’s non-refundable, so I had to go to the 8th one. Flight scheduled to arrive in Paris on 8th at 5:30pm and me and my sister were just going to rush to the venue as soon as we landed coz it will cost us 160GBP to change our flight (stupid airfrance!). Then when it was about 3 days before the concert, got an email from airfrance saying there will be air strike and that our flight might be delayed or cancelled!!!! We were like W-T-F!? Rang up and waited for 45 minutes and finally got it changed to arrive on the 8th morning. Phew~ got told only the outward journey details are changed, return details remain unchanged… as soon as we arrived in Paris, I almost got robbed by 2 very inexperienced young girls at the metro. My UK sim card had decided not to accept any French network so I had to go to a mobile shop to get a new sim for 20euro with only 5euro credit in it (such a rip off =.=”), and my smartphone which is not so smart decided to mess up everything in it too. Got to the hotel, room is not ready till 2pm, so found a café to sit down to wait. (Ordered coffee and they gave me an expresso, now I know you have to order MILK coffee if you just want ordinary coffee lol)

Got to the venue around 2.30pm and met up with my friends. They have been queuing since 9am in the morning and it was -5C that day. Big thanks for letting us queue jump :P( you know who you are if you are reading ;)). So, waited, waited and waited in the freezing cold. Couldn’t feel our toes coz it was sooo damn cold. There were 3/4 camera men/woman who came to film us. I started to shout “SNSD saranghey!” the Korean guy asked me to shout again lol. Then he went on to ask me why do I like them and where I am from. Then a Korean woman came along and she saw my “UK SONE <3 SNSD!” board and started to zoom into it, (and my face as well, I had to cover it up with my board -_- coz it was too embarrassing) she literally just wanna film my board, she didn’t even say anything LOL. Then another French camera crew came and asked us to shout SNSD but there was literally only me shouting lol. The Korean woman came back again and saw my other side of my board saying “TaeNy + Yulsic for life”. She looked at it and said “YulSic?” I was like “ya, TaeNy and YulSic” and she zoomed into the board again lol. She must have no idea what yulsic is. I was worrying that any of my solo chanting clips will be aired but I am glad only one got aired and for some reason I shouted “soshified” without me even remembered shouting it LOL. My sister got my Korean “sooyoung-ah, happy b-day” board upside down =.= K-sones must be laughing right now lol. So then queue started to move bit by bit by 6pm and it was already jam packed! Can’t even move your hand that’s how packed it is. My sister decided to take the seat coz we had one seated ticket and one standing ticket. It was a good decision for her coz the seated ticket we have got at almost last minute was actually the first row in P lol (without knowing it). It would have been a waste if she went standing with me. Also, the pit that night was absolutely horrendous!

Posted Image the boards I brought with me to the concert.

Day 1 - The concert

I am not going to write much about the concert as there wasn’t much happened. All the good things happened in day 2 and 3! But, before we start, thanks to my friends again for holding up my boards coz I have too many things that I wanted to hold up but only got one pair of hands! Before the concert, I was at about row 5. Then as it goes on with intense and non-stop pushing by beauties and hottest (or maybe shawols as well), I was pushed to row 2, and almost passed out as well. If SNSD still don’t come out, I was about to get the security to get me out coz I couldn’t stand it anymore. KBS producers came to look at us during the break as if we were wild animals coz people wouldn’t stop pushing and the rails got pushed forward at least 2m to the stage. Loads of people were crying and fainting at
our side. It was 10 times worst than SMTown Paris… But anyway, as soon as SNSD came out, I got my little energy back and heck, I saw Taeyeon tapped Sooyoung’s butt 3 times after we sang happy b-day to her xD that sure woke me up xD and during the boys, sooyoung, the fanservice queen, looked at us and smile so happily!!! Even the kbs broadcast caught this moment of her looking at the left side which is where we were. During ending, tiffany and sooyoung came, and sooyoung smiled at us again. Sunny was leaning forward towards us and doing her double hands waving with her agyeo smile >< she’s soo cute. I couldn’t see much of the other girls tho which is a shame coz all the fangirls just gone mad when the males came out, hands are everywhere in front of me so I had a hard time filming or even just get a glimpse of the other girls! I was going to throw a toy sheep on the stage to them but my hand can’t even reach my bag! Oh well… But this is it for the night, short but still some cute moments. Just hope next time I will not be standing in the pit again…

the byun tae http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Qkj9pQb01rc
SY's fan service, too bad the light was too bright on their faces http://www.youtube.c...h?v=zOO4zgXIUvw

(P.S. 2PM was my 2nd favorite but Taecyeon seem drunk during the concert lol and I was a little bit disappointed with his biceps ._. he must have been lazy lately… Jiyeon and Soyeon both made a mistake during Roly Poly. It’s funny I couldn’t really see them from my angle as they didn’t come to perform on the extended stage. But as soon as I stuck my head out to look, I saw them made the mistake lol.)

Day 2 - Le grand journal

My friends saved me 2 tickets for me and my sister for this show (again if you are reading this, you know who you are! BIGGGGG THANKSSSS! For don’t know how many times I have said this already xD) but the dress code was strict, no black, white and grey. No hoodies, no labels, no t-shirts…. We had to go buy new clothes especially for the show. Got a text from my friend saying they are on their way and be there asap. So we finished off and rushed there. Everyone meant to meet at a metro station at 4.30pm and we got there at about 3.45pm. There was no one and we couldn’t reach our friends. So we went back and forth to other exits trying to find them but saw no one. By the time it was about 4.20pm and we started to panick that we won’t be able to go coz we didn’t know where the venue is!! >< and the show starts recording at 5pm. Then we ran back to the 1st exit we got out of the metro and thank god, we saw a bunch of people and they are going to the show too…when we got in, we weren’t allowed any mobiles, coats, hats, cameras, etc. We had to go in with empty pockets and we got allocated where we sit. Me and my sister were sitting right behind the guests on the floor and we were like “oh ****, then we only get to see their backs -_-“but we didn’t know the best is yet to come ;) Before SNSD performed, apparently some movie stars were being interviewed and we were told at one point that we could at least laugh or to give some reactions. Then, I laughed. After the interview, SNSD were revealed through the doors that opened sideways and everyone started screaming! The cheers were brilliant! Taeyeon was smriking at our screams and Sooyoung was trying to hold it in that she had to look away lol! Taeyeon ALWAYS laughs at us cheering for her! Haha. The performance was brilliant and our fanchants were excellent as you can see from the broadcast. We were so proud of ourselves too xD it was actually much louder than the broadcast. The girls seem happy too that they had so many Sones cheering for them. Then as they walked towards us, I didn’t even know how the hand shaking started! o.o Fany started to shake hands and I only knew from watching back at the broadcast that I shook her hands! I remembered seeing her walking towards me but I didn’t recall shaking her hands! My memory started from Sooyoung though. I remembered I shook Sooyoung, Sunny, Yoona and Seohyun’s hands according to the order. Out of all the hands I shook, I can ONLY remember how Yoona’s hands felt like! It was SO SOFT AND SMALL!!!!!!! I can still remember what it felt like even now which is almost 3 weeks after this happened. The hand shake was so firm and strong that I can only remember hers! One of my friend told me she smelt her own hand after shaking with Yoona and it smelt like hand cream xD LOL at her XD (I should have done so too hahaha). Then another thing I remembered was when it gets to maknae, no one was sticking their hands out anymore but I still stuck mine out and surprisingly she shook my hand!!!! I wasn’t expecting she will shake it coz not everyone shook hands with fans but she still shook my hand!!!! I was well impressed by then but sadly, I don’t remember what her hand felt like… haha *shame* and Taeyeon was the last one she even just turned around before anyone has a chance xD and then we sat back down on the floor and WOAH….. o.o” you would have imagine what our view was if you have watched the broadcast… XD B-U-T-T-S!!! hahaha *I do not sound like a perv* but….ya…. wasn’t intended to look, but…..where else can you look? Haha :P I don’t think anyone could resist to look as well if you have given such a chance lol (I feel so blessed) OMG you wouldn’t believe how SMALL Taeyeon’s butt is! She literally has a kiddy’s butt! It is TINY! She was standing next to maknae and if you compare her butt with maknae’s butt, it’s almost half the size!!! It is amazing!!! Hahahaaha me and my sister can’t get over the fact that how small her butt is! Yuri’s had her costume covering it but you can still see a nice and firm shape………Yoona’s was nice and average and nice too look at too…..xD OKAY enough butt talk I should move on before I turned this into a controversy topic xD

so….ya they were doing their interview then and a girl behind me kept shouting “yuri-ah!” for god knows how many times. Then yuri finally turned around and smiled at her and just after that, she looked at us! o.o we were sitting on the floor and the girl was on the steps. We were surprised why she looked at us after she saw her but whatever reason that might be, she looked at us! XDDD someone then shouted “stressed!” to sica and she turned around and gave us that look that’s exactly the same when she saw sunny’s electrostatic hair lol! Her expression was so funny xD there were a few yoonyul moments too that yuri was talking to yoona and there was a little incident with yoona but I will keep that to myself :P then nearer the end, me and sis kept shouting “Soonkyu oppa!” “Soonkyu oppa saranghey!” and I swear she waved and smiled at us for a good whole minute! We had direct eye contact for so long that her face that time has imprinted into my brain now. She used her double hands waving she did in the concert to wave at us again and then she kept smiling using her aegyo and nodding telling us she knows xD sunny has eye smiles too and they are killers as well! Her hair was so smooth and silky! After the interview, the girls are going back and sunny shook my hand AGAIN!!!!!!! She’s soo soo soo cuteee >< Everything went so fast that I can’t function properly then yuri shook my hand!!!*0* I didn’t even remember whether she stuck her hand out first or I did, probably I left it out there after sunny but man just she missed me on the first time and she shook it this time!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHH!!! It was so surreal! It was the greatest moment! Then sooyoung went last and she used her finger tips to kinda move along to high 5 us, and this time I got to look at her hand properly and her hands are small too!! I seriously cannot stop spazzing after this whole thing and my sister had to tell me to calm down coz I was about to cry lol I would have never expected being so intimate with them, making long direct eye contacts with them smiling and nodding at you and even handshakes!!! It’s.The. Best. Thing. Ever and I seriously thank the Sones who help me to achieve this :)

Met KBS music bank producer

After the show, I met up with my sister ‘s friends and waited in their hotel lobby. Then 2 Korean women came and sat opposite my table. I heard them talking Korean and waited till they finished and asked if they are music bank staff. They said yes and we starting talking. One of them fully understands my English and can communicate using broken English. They both seem very interested in talking to me and asked where I came from, who did I come to the concert for, why I like them, etc. Then a Korean man came along and they introduced me to him and said he is the concert producer. I say hi to him in Korean and told him the concert was great. They told him where I am from and a few more in Korean which I didn’t understand lol and he told them to tell me he got a meeting now, he will be back down in 10 minutes. But after only like 2 minutes, he came back down again and gave me a 2PM signed CD o.o” I was so surprised and shocked that I wasn’t expecting anything like this! Apparently it is the promotional copy as well. but of course, I would have been 100000 times happier if it was "The boys" xD(so greedy). All I said to him that moment was “kamsahamida” for god knows how many times lol and he looked at me, pause, and said “you are welcome!” and smiled LOL. Then they moved to the reception desk and they were complaining that the producer’s room wasn’t cleaned. They had difficulties communicating so I went forward trying to help. I explained their situation to the receptionist and she explained back to me then I kinda explained to them again xD they were happy that I helped and that they were going to go back up. So I asked them whether I can visit them again tomorrow morning and they told me when they are leaving tomorrow and were happy that I can visit them again. However, the same night with the help of another sone, we found out where SNSD are staying and after an overnight explore of their hotel (that was WELL fun!) with a random drunkard who came to us outside the hotel saying "sushi" (note its sushi, not soshi) to us, I have decided to go visit SNSD instead xD coz after all, I am a sone.

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Part 2: http://soshified.com...-london-part-2/

Edited by carolc, 07 March 2012 - 09:12 AM.

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pureswagsone pureswagsone
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Posted 26 February 2012 - 03:09 PM

god,you are one lucky sone..you are so funny..i LOL for the whole part..its nice when i can read others experiences with soshi when i can t even go..
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Posted 26 February 2012 - 04:34 PM

omg you got to interact with them and watch them. i'm jealous. T_T

OMG you wouldn’t believe how SMALL Taeyeon’s butt is! She literally has a kiddy’s butt! It is TINY! She was standing next to maknae and if you compare her butt with maknae’s butt, it’s almost half the size!!! It is amazing!!! Hahahaaha me and my sister can’t get over the fact that how small her butt is! Yuri’s had her costume covering it but you can still see a nice and firm shape………Yoona’s was nice and average and nice too look at too…..xD OKAY enough butt talk I should move on before I turned this into a controversy topic xD

:lolol: it's nice to know what you spent your time doing...comparing their butts omg :lolol: i almost fell off my chair laughing at this
your humour is killing me
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Posted 26 February 2012 - 06:03 PM

gosh, i really wish i was you. like, literally.
you are one lucky sone. <3333
i wish i was that lucky, kekekeke. :3
glad you had fun. xD
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Posted 26 February 2012 - 11:12 PM

I was already being immersed reading through your account... but when you started talking about their butts, I suddenly fell off my chair laughing :laugh: :stuart: :laugh: :laughing: :lolol:

(*You do know that they have butt fetishes, right? At least that's what SONEs see, especially with Taeyeon. Come to think of it, if indeed Taeyeon's butt is that small, that would explain why she has a butt fetish with the other members.* :P :p: )

I can imagine the excitement in your account here. It is so amazing to think about the things that we do when we have that opportunity to see the Girls in person. When I saw them in Bangkok, man the fanboy in me really came out and stayed out for three and a half hours. We go to such great lengths to show our love and support for the Girls and then afterwards it leaves a lasting impression on us as SONEs.

Congrats on seeing them!
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Jigemeun, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Apuroudo, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Yongwonhi, So Nyuh Shi Dae! So Nyuh Shi Dae Saranghe!
My encounter with the Girls:
Bangkok, Hsinchu, Manila, Taipei, Taipei Again, Bulacan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Seoul Again, Taipei 3rd, Manila Again, Manila 3rd
My thoughts on the Girls: Power of Nine, One Year Later, Two Years, On Being a SONE, Deeper Feelings At your own risk: Twitter, Instagram Covers: Blind CH Ver. (SM The Ballad Zhoumi), Non-SNSD Covers Thread, SNSD Covers Thread Fanfic: Breathe, Don't Speak
If Fany uploads a picture of herself in that Party MV bikini like what Sunny did, I SWEAR I'M GONNA THROW MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 01:57 AM

HAHAHAHA omg Carol, your butt comparison part is so damn funny, you're such a perv! hahahaha and so lucky to touch their hands!
Can't wait for your second part ;p although I know it's gonna be damn funny too with the airport part hahahaha.
Are you gonna tell your "mistakes" at the hotel too? hahahahaha

Edited by Dandan87, 27 February 2012 - 01:59 AM.

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Rincevant Rincevant
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Posted 27 February 2012 - 02:40 AM

Nice Fan acc :)
Can't wait second part ^^
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Posted 27 February 2012 - 01:57 PM

OMG your place behind Soshi was so epic ...

The concert was indeed nothing compared to the grand journal and meeting Soshi in Paris ^_^

I'm glad you could achieve so many things during your travel in Paris !

Next time, we'll probably meet again in London ;-)

Next part is already a must read !
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Tsukishiro Tsukishiro
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Posted 07 March 2012 - 05:06 PM

I've commented enough on your experience in RL so I'll just say things that I forgot to tell you personally..

My memory started from Sooyoung though. I remembered I shook Sooyoung, Sunny, Yoona and Seohyun’s hands according to the order. Out of all the hands I shook, I can ONLY remember how Yoona’s hands felt like! It was SO SOFT AND SMALL!!!!!!! I can still remember what it felt like even now which is almost 3 weeks after this happened. The hand shake was so firm and strong that I can only remember hers! One of my friend told me she smelt her own hand after shaking with Yoona and it smelt like hand cream xD LOL at her XD (I should have done so too hahaha).

I still want to kill you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo badly for this! D:

B-U-T-T-S!!! hahaha *I do not sound like a perv* but….ya…. wasn’t intended to look, but…..where else can you look? Haha :P I don’t think anyone could resist to look as well if you have given such a chance lol (I feel so blessed) OMG you wouldn’t believe how SMALL Taeyeon’s butt is! She literally has a kiddy’s butt! It is TINY! She was standing next to maknae and if you compare her butt with maknae’s butt, it’s almost half the size!!! It is amazing!!! Hahahaaha me and my sister can’t get over the fact that how small her butt is! Yuri’s had her costume covering it but you can still see a nice and firm shape………Yoona’s was nice and average and nice too look at too…..xD OKAY enough butt talk I should move on before I turned this into a controversy topic xD

..And this!! D:


Edited by Tsukishiro, 07 March 2012 - 05:08 PM.

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Posted 07 March 2012 - 05:34 PM

You are so lucky person in this earth I think......

Shook hand with Soshi and staring and comparing their butt.....that's a moment that we couldn't forget...LOL

I am so jealous that you could feel Yoong's hands.....and good to know that she's a shook with firm and strong, that described what personality she had.

Thank you for sharing your experience....
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