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[04.09.10] SM Town Los Angeles (The Tale)Updated with Part 2 (the Aftermath)

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AznIntegra521 AznIntegra521
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Posted 11 September 2010 - 01:33 AM

oh man Triangle you are so lucky to have gone backstage and get a picture with Jessica. I'd kill to get one but hey your lucky.
Your drawing to Jessica was amazing, I'm sure Jessica loved it and will treasure it.
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Ukigumo Ukigumo
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Posted 27 September 2010 - 09:29 PM

After passing by the Staples Center a couple of times, I realize that I had to do a Part 2.
Occasionally suffering a relapse and a flashback to that wondrous evening, this may be the only way I can truly vent.

So folks...
This is:

PART TWO: The Aftermath
A recap of the personal effects of this event and where we all stand now

It does only seem like yesterday when I really think about it.
Walking through the everyday steps of life in a California sunrise as summer turns into autumn all upon the Western shores, I realize just the magnitude of how this simple concert affected us all.
Perhaps it was something special? Yoona's first true live performance with SNSD on American soil, or the concept that they would choose us as well as all the places they could have or have picked in Asia.

I can't help but constantly think about that bedazzling moment in time, as I drive through downtown Los Angeles, thinking that it was not too long ago that all of you strided and stepped through the concrete pavement. Spirits and smiles from all over the United States, Canada, and everywhere else, that flew or drove, walked, or whatever, to get here and share with me and everyone else that incredible moment.

When the sun finally set in the horizon, and I in a borrowed Civic cruised past through the JW Marriott, the Nokia Theater, the Staples Center, the LA convention center... just to dine in an authentic Shabu Shabu house not too far away, I stared out the window of the vehicle and saw not what you would see every day.

I saw you all, pink shirts and blue shirts, red shirts and everything else, eagerly anticipating seeing your favorite group for the 1st time or maybe even the third or fourth.
It was as if I could map everything exactly as it was, where we all stood, where we all cheered, where we all gathered...

...all just for a couple of idol groups?

No, this is much more, time and time again our hot-blooded passion and unmatchable commitment prove that these are not simply idol groups we pay hand over fist for.
They are a part of us, we've let them into our lives, and though we do not know them, we are used to seeing their faces every day, their quirks and personalities, almost as if they were truly people we've acquainted.

I've heard it all.
Pics are still being circulated, shared, and uploaded today.
Videos prepared, edited, and released.
Stories exchanged and posted.
There is NO way of calculating the essence that this concert has put inside us all. A certain inspiration, an inner spark, a true moment that would live in the stars.
We cannot fathom or comprehend the extent on what this concert has done to us all, all we can do is feel, and we all feel almost empty without it, yet fulfilled we were actually there.

I'm not easily moved, but thinking of the concert, the performances, the experiences i've shared, reading of the different perspectives and points-of-view of others who shared that night with me, it overwhelms my barriers and forcibly pushes a tear out of my eye, perhaps even two.

Perhaps i'm being a little overdramatic, but unfortunately this is me.
This is me releasing, to all of you, how I felt, and how I still feel.
The world around us watches and labels us madmen.

What happiness is there in cheering?
How is this different from seeing just another one of your hands-down favorite artists in the world?
What REALLY made this day special?

I analyze it to be preparation and expectation.
The precursor to the day of the event, all of us had our own journeys to take to achieve the goal of attending.
Some of these include the administrative positions of setting up the meet-up, perhaps grabbing more Soshified T-shirts for everyone, or perhaps the virtuous task of making sure out of towners get a comfortable hotel room to stay in.
No matter what, it was the buildup of excitement prior to the day of the concert.
As expectations, excitement, thrill, and happiness grows in planning the event, normally one would expect things to only crash into discord and sadness at the end.

...Not one bit.
The concert overwhelmed us, the expectation we've built, the personal turmoil, journeys, and preparations we went through, was all washed away.
It shattered our daily lives and warped us into one reality, where it was them and us.

Where our 9 girls performed for us, in the flesh, face to face, with their loveliest eyes roaming around a large venue, searching for us. Searching for US.
We existed there, and they existed there, and that was all that mattered.
Our stomachs held hunger at bay, our eyes affixed, and all we could hear was their voice, alongside the empowering chants of nothing but the most invigorating fans I would ever see.

All of us were lost, the expectation we built, the excitement we've prepared for, all paid off.
What was left of us afterwards, was EVERYTHING and NOTHING.

Like striking a lottery, we would walk out of that night, some alone, some in groups, but we were all taken aback.
It was over, but it would never be over.
Excitement and adrenaline still coursed through our veins as we walked out, it wasn't over in our books, the night was young, some would head to the Afterparty, and some would spend that night and morning again in the company of the friends they have met and made.

Days would pass into weeks, and now we are nearing to a whole month after that concert.
As if time slowed and sped for us, we can never forget.

A punch to the heart and a breath of fresh air, the feeling is hard to fully describe.

You're getting SONES from all over, staying in generally one hotel, right next to the Staples Center.
The feeling that, all of us gathered, in that small area, for one event, one night, and some of us have sacrificed everything, some have sacrificed nothing, but we all came that night, and those who did not were still there with us, cheering from the comfort of their homes, or on their vacations, but we were ONE.

It isn't just SM Town that's the family, it's all of us too.
We make them, as they make us.
Yin and Yang.
Balance combined, and thus we are all one family, and regardless of what others may say I really believe that.
Despite the presence of anti fans that may have been there, that takes away nothing from their personality, and people will be people, it's a title, not a specification.

At that day, it didn't matter if your color was blue, red, pink, or whatever, you were part of something truly iconic.
From the older grimmyx, in which I was honored to have been in his presence, down to the younger Debora, who wandered lost and confused in her 5'1" height searching for those she knew, it never mattered who we talked to, or who we didn't.
For that night we knew everyone, one day where we can flash a grin at a stranger and expect a smile back, one day where we could dance our hearts off without embarrassment, because everyone knew the dances.
It's evident in the pictures and videos.
The smiles as the girls faint for their favorite male idol.
The empowering cheers of a pink nation swaying back and forth amongst the floor.
Even elderly people, who may have came only to support their children or grandchildren, took their time to stand with them, and when their eyes squinted as their faces revealed a smile, I couldn't help but feel really honored.

Honored I could be a part of this family.
It's my second family, away from my own by blood.
It didn't matter who we were, what we did, what we have done, or what makes us, but what we loved was SM Town, and regardless we all came that night to support who we loved, and meet a few friends along the way.

Evident in this, we still are making a few friends. :)

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JimmyDean23 JimmyDean23
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Posted 28 September 2010 - 09:22 AM

That was absolutely beautiful, I honestly shed a few tears just reminiscing about that amazing night. It made me so proud to be a Sone seeing how far people went and hard they worked to make it such a memorable day. I can't wait for the next time they visit the US, because I know I'll get to see that pink ocean again.
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Antino Antino
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Posted 28 September 2010 - 09:36 AM

OMG i'm so jealous... xD
Backstage-passes, those are more than a dream!
I'm sure you were happier than everyone else on the world with these passes ;)
Awesome SSF-fan-acc! :D

Like I said many times.
It's important to have friends.
You may not talk with them everyday.

Just remember though, life's a game.
It's my sandbox, it's everyone's sandbox.
There's no rule to dictate what you have to do.
I go and ask for discounts in every store I shop in, mingle and sometimes flirt, maybe even be friendly, and often I walk out saving a couple bucks. :)

The people of Powerhouse/SM are exactly that, people.
They're not machines, or automated robots, they're people like you and I, and everyone, and they have the same emotions as us, we share the same air, the same earth, the same general essence in our bodies.

So don't be afraid to acquaint yourself with some of them, they're pleasant, good folk!
And who knows, be liked, and you'll get a few things if you ask nicely enough. :P

Really wise words^^ :D
I really want to go there to but i live to far away... :(
but i will try my best ;)
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aznkrazie11 aznkrazie11
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Posted 29 September 2010 - 08:18 PM

omggg you got go to backstage?! and you got to meet them too. ommgg your so lucky!! i wish i could just go to any of their concerts
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residentbenchwarmer residentbenchwarmer
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Posted 23 January 2011 - 09:15 PM

Great pictures, great part two. Did you ever put up the documentary? And why'd you take down your original account?
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Courtesy: oniontaker@imageshack
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hannaeyes hannaeyes
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Posted 21 April 2011 - 08:52 PM

wowww . this fan account is awesome !!
you are soooo luckyy . arghh , I am soooo jealous here *sigh*
really wish can meet them once . :crybaby:
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LilShtDropin LilShtDropin
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Posted 23 April 2011 - 08:36 PM

lol is the tale like you met sm town in los angeles along with like snsd or something cause if so your the luckiest person ever
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