Soshified is not responsible for any transactions here. Do not send any type of money to anyone that can't be tracked like Western Union etc. Please take payment discussions to private messaging!
Have fun, and let the odds be in your favor!
Posted 01 July 2015 - 12:23 AM
Soshified is not responsible for any transactions here. Do not send any type of money to anyone that can't be tracked like Western Union etc. Please take payment discussions to private messaging!
Have fun, and let the odds be in your favor!
Global Generation
Save yourself time and check the FAQs before PM-ing me.
Posted 02 August 2015 - 07:11 PM
I am looking to sell P2 GA 3 tickets for face value (including the original shipping and convience fee), which comes out to $202.99 each. I currently have four tickets but am looking to unload them. I am undecided if I want to go KCon or not (I realized that I am just not as excited about kpop as I use to be), so all four is available.
If you are interested please email me at [email protected], or tweet me @mavericks619. You could also PM me on Soshified but the previous two methods, I would check in more frequency.
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