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Sunnyl♥ver → sakurazaki
Henry is soo talented so as Zhou Mi, I wonder if she's talented or idol-like too. If she is, I'll let her pass but if she's not I'll never forget.. Oops I forgot she's just a waste of time.
Oct 01 2011 10:13 AM
sakurazaki → Sunnyl♥ver
i know, she's too mean. let's just ignore her. snsd won, that's the fact. if she can't even respect his idol (henry), she won't even try to respect soshi ^^
Oct 01 2011 09:38 AM
Sunnyl♥ver → sakurazaki
Thanks again. That Park_Kim shouldn't be called an ELF. I hope she dies early... ( I'm bad right, but this is my first time cursing somebody ) How dare her talk to Henry like that. And about the GDA, I hate her so much.
Oct 01 2011 07:53 AM
sakurazaki → Sunnyl♥ver
Here's the link to the tweet:!/henrylau89/status/23140111055!/Park_Kim/status/23094504686
Sep 30 2011 12:16 PM!/henrylau89/status/23140111055!/Park_Kim/status/23094504686
sakurazaki → Sunnyl♥ver
Ahh that one ^^
About a year ago, an anti sent a tweet to Henry, saying something like 'super junior is only 13, you should gtfo. 15 is nothing blablabla'. And then henry replied to the tweet with only a ':)'
Sep 29 2011 10:10 AM
About a year ago, an anti sent a tweet to Henry, saying something like 'super junior is only 13, you should gtfo. 15 is nothing blablabla'. And then henry replied to the tweet with only a ':)'
Sunnyl♥ver → sakurazaki
There, where you said Henry read a antis reply to him in Twitter. I looked for it in the net and didn't find any. I just want to ask you what did the anti say about him and what did he say to that anti.
Sep 29 2011 09:00 AM
There, where you said Henry read a antis reply to him in Twitter. I looked for it in the net and didn't find any. I just want to ask you what did the anti say about him and what did he say to that anti.
Sunnyl♥ver → sakurazaki
Hey! I just got curious what happened to Henry Lau..
The Anti incident in twitter.. cuz you made a topic here where soshi making twitter
Sep 28 2011 07:41 AM
The Anti incident in twitter.. cuz you made a topic here where soshi making twitter