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Bubble_Pop4536 → wabbitkr
I agree, but who knows, rumour has it they might be moving onto other markets such as Japan or China. But fingers crossed we will see them soon in concert where ever they maybe.
May 05 2010 01:02 PM
wabbitkr → Bubble_Pop4536
Thanks for dropping me a comment. lol, SoShi concert in HK would be nice I suppose...though, I currently don't have any intention of going to HK for holiday or anything like that anytime soon, so it wouldn't be much use to me XD Better they just stay put in Korea, and wait till I go there myself...which hopefully won't be long if I get a job next year
Apr 29 2010 03:13 PM
Bubble_Pop4536 → wabbitkr
Wow a Sone in UK, that is also part of the Taegang and is from Hk, got to pop by and say hi. Don’t you just wish Soshi can hold a concert in HK……
Apr 28 2010 02:57 PM
Bubble_Pop4536 → sunshiner
hey its just another Uk Sone, havent seen you on the UK thread for a while, so thought i'd pop by and see if you still up for possible meet up?
Apr 28 2010 02:44 PM
Bubble_Pop4536 → sojourn
sorry didnt realise my message was cut off. anyway hav a nice holiday, if you could maybe you could try catch SNSD concert or even Taeyeon's Musical if you could get tickets that is.
Mar 28 2010 01:03 AM
sojourn → Bubble_Pop4536
the end of your comment was cut off. T_T I'll just try to keep an eye out for k artist when I go to hk. :3
Mar 26 2010 04:46 AM
Bubble_Pop4536 → sojourn
Yeah can’t believe I saw k-pop stars in HK, thanks to ******* i knew 4minute was going to be at Emax. Their wasn't any posters, but did see 4Minute on tv at mcdonalds and mtr trains that they arrived in HK, I was surprised there wasn’t too much people so I was able to get a good view of them. Didn’t get to see SHinee though! (cries!). So if you’re going to be in
Mar 25 2010 04:31 AM
sojourn → Bubble_Pop4536
omg, you saw 4 minute in hk. I'm so jealous. ^^ I saw some tvb video cuts of it. Did you go see shinee as well? I hope there will be some more kpop artists performing when i go to hk in may. How'd you find out about it, from posters hung around? Last time I went there was an Ah Sa event but it was the day I was leaving. o_o
Mar 24 2010 04:25 PM
Bubble_Pop4536 → Chidori
elo! I'm from Reading, glad to hear theres some SOnes alive round England, haha i was starting to think i was the only one
Mar 23 2010 11:39 PM
Bubble_Pop4536 → cheeselovezsnsd
yay Bora on Chin Chin on this friday with Soshi! will you be watching?
Feb 03 2010 04:45 AM
Bubble_Pop4536 → sojourn
elo! Thanks for leaving me the comment, the source was a great help. I'm going to Hong Kong soon so hopefully I'll find some better books there instead of UK. I am also addicted to kdrama, first ever drama was Endless Love I: Autumn in My Heart and that was like 10 years ago. haha
Jan 30 2010 06:52 AM
cheeselovezsnsd → Bubble_Pop4536
thanks for tellin me! oh and lovin the vids!! taeyeon has a voice of a goddess lol if i knew what that sounds like :)
Jan 29 2010 03:30 PM
sojourn → Bubble_Pop4536
hi, thanks for leaving me a comment. it's so nice to read how you got into soshi from your profile. I watched kdrama before i got into kpop.
I wanted to learn Korean so bad that I considered taking classes at Korean classes at SOAS in London but it's far too far away for me. They have a list of books that they use for classes here:
Jan 29 2010 03:06 PM
I wanted to learn Korean so bad that I considered taking classes at Korean classes at SOAS in London but it's far too far away for me. They have a list of books that they use for classes here:
anneth jung → Bubble_Pop4536
Yulsic is <3 check out their UFO's :D
Jan 26 2010 12:02 PM