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Bubble_Pop4536 → anneth jung
nice video, so many moments i didnt notice until this vid. Maybe i prefer YulSic over TaeSic now.

ueeg → Bubble_Pop4536
thanks for the browser zoom zoom trick .. i'll sure have fun playing with it ..joom joom amajing

Bubble_Pop4536 → cheeselovezsnsd
btw did you know IY epi 12 is out for download at the SoShi Subs Downloads Area

Bubble_Pop4536 → ueeg
btw wanted to add incase you didn't know "ctrl" and "-" zooms out too, if you scroll mouse up or down and "ctrl" it zooms in and out too. Hope it helped

cheeselovezsnsd → Bubble_Pop4536
if you need help uploading a pic with a url i had the same problem lol all have to do is pick a picture u want right click on it and press view image and that url of that page is what u put in and dont forget that url must end with something like .jpg hope i helped!!

cheeselovezsnsd → Bubble_Pop4536
all you gotta do is click on my controls at the top then on the side click on edit about me then click on a button thats on that toolbar in the middle of the page that says insert image and put in the url of that image click submit and then you are done.

Bubble_Pop4536 → cheeselovezsnsd
Hello again! Was just wondering i noticed on your "my content" you added pictures of Soshi, how do you add pictures? I can't seem to add them

cheeselovezsnsd → Bubble_Pop4536
hi bubble i see you are a taenganger as well its nice to meet ya!! we also have some of the same interests thats awesome :)

Bubble_Pop4536 → cheeselovezsnsd
Hello cheese! ohh another Taeganger! i love Onew and Jo kwon too, but who doesnt! hehe

Bubble_Pop4536 → sojourn
Just popped by the Uk thread and noticed you're another bbc Sone like me too and wanted to say hi!

Bubble_Pop4536 → Dagonice
Just noticed you're another bbc Sone and wanted to say hi!

alyssasteps → Bubble_Pop4536
Hi Bubble_Pop! Welcome to Soshified! Hope to see you around here =)