Community Status Updates
parkmintae → D-iCE
Hyung ahh, I'm Min Tae and I'm a fan of TIFFANY sshi, can we be friend?
Jun 03 2011 06:32 PM
D-iCE → grandma deer
sended you a Pm for name change.. months ago.. thanks thanks..
May 29 2011 06:37 AM
jamielle → D-iCE
Hi, we just started our entertainment recently and it's still in trial stage. Please take time to visit our thread, STAR ENTERTAINMENT, and listen to our first released collab. We wanna hear a feedback from you, that will serve as a big help for our improvement, and it's very much appreciated. Thank you. Have a good day.
Jan 22 2011 09:31 PM
-E-M-O-G- → D-iCE
Hey hyung.... will TGPE (Szone) gonna collab Breathe - B2ST? if yes tell me I really want to join ^^
Jan 07 2011 07:09 PM
star4dance → D-iCE
omg I know, Yssa unni's been having that problem, too :( I have like no idea what's wrong :((( my username and name is set as star4dance :P
Nov 18 2010 10:00 AM
D-iCE → star4dance
yoh diane.. why cant I add you on the PM it says user dont exist O___o but your username appears T___T
Nov 18 2010 07:59 AM
-E-M-O-G- → D-iCE
Hyung... I already finished the collab with chinguplex and btw the offline message from YM, I cannot read it because there is something wrong with my YM ^^'
Nov 12 2010 05:55 AM
-E-M-O-G- → D-iCE
Hyung... I'm really sorry for didn't give you the new clip, I just finished my Test so I can give now but it's to late you already publish the MV... I'm really sorry hyung >.<
Oct 08 2010 02:22 AM