Community Status Updates

Ok i cant believe i wrote the exact same reply twice, without any thought.
Aug 25 2017 12:43 AM -

still writing Princess and i've been updating. find it on LJ or AFF! sorry, i can't post it on SSF anymore due to restrictions.

Princess is back in action. please find it at my LJ or AFF. i will update there from now on!

been away for so long. busy, busy. but Princess will be back in action soon enough! look forward to it.

kuribo → Endymion
Left a comment on the update. Hope that will give you my perspective better on that chapter.

Endymion → Seohyun!!!!!!
hi. you can find the PDF for SIN here:

Seohyun!!!!!! → Endymion
Hello ~! Imma silent reader ! erm , just wanna ask where could I fond the pdf for S

Endymion → leafy
your inbox is full i think.

Endymion → lizalich
i've been in a slump lately; haven't been wanting to write, but your push for me to update is definitely helpful. ill update soon enough! haha don't fret. just a little bit longer. almost there!

hey, read your update. That was fast. As expected, you're really good. Teangoo.. I'll give you a hug instead. *sigh* I feel sad today cause waking up at 2am and reading a tweet that a fellow Sone died is not great. She writes also.:(
Sep 29 2012 02:28 PM

lizalich → Endymion
Hey there! When are you gonna update? I miss ur works and I'm definitely bored that no one is updating author-nim. T.T I'm sorry if my comments are not that helpful to your writing. It's just that I really like the way you are writing. I hope you find inspiration and your motivation to update. Endymion FIGHTING! *please please update* HUGSS

J.Dream → Endymion
Hi, I'm a big fan of all your fanfiction. I was trying to look for the sequel to you fic SIN. But i cant find the it, would you to post me the link and add me to your PM List? Thank you.

xXSoNyeoXx → Endymion
*Bows* Greetings Endymion Author ;") Firstly , I would like to apologize for not being able to catch up with princeSS >_< But I still want to be in the pm list and will be catching up soon [Right now actually XD] ,and actually I've got a question to ask . Erm , the different posters you put up on the very first page of the fic , after I copy the link and paste on my Signature , it says click to read , but when I click it nothings happens , which link should I copy ?:)

copy the entire thing that's shown in quotes. don't leave out anything.
Aug 30 2012 01:16 PM -

Will update Princess soon enough. Been working on something important these past few days.