Community Status Updates

I am here...readin my old oneshot collections...maybe I revive the thread of Selfish as well. Havent read it yet so I kinda forgot how it goes. You guys can read my other on-goings currently in Asianfanfics titled: Birth of Taeny's Baby.

Cyannie → ns_ardent
i don't think i was able to update you a couple of chapters before for the fanfic "I Got A Girl". just want to let you know that i have updated chapter 13 (if you wish to be fully removed to the pm list, please say so :D)

fiis → ns_ardent
Hey. I cannot pm you for I'm Blind update. Here's the link

tipco09 → ns_ardent
Hi! I've been missing "SELFISH". I hope hope you update soon because its such an interesting fic. I hope you are healthy and doing well,my friend.

yan12 → ns_ardent
HI im a big fan of your yoonhyun fic the love purity... hope u can update it... :D

TotallyEvilOne → ns_ardent
SunRiDay Festival: Wanna join?

U guys are invited to read my oneshots. For TaeNy and Yoohnyun lovers!

ns_ardent → kid princess
Hi princess...missed ur story so I read it again today. I dun really like the new format. Put that aside I just wonder when will u update Heartless again cos I seriously can't wait anymore.

kid princess
Urm... hey unnie! this douchekid is back! i am so so sorry for abandoning my story for so long. it just that i am just traveling the other world that i forgot to comeback to SSF LOL so forgave me.
Well anyway I will try to RE-WRITE it again since everything was gone, like GONE! I am KID in HEAT right now so while waiting, maybe you can check my new story?
Silent (
Aug 21 2015 06:38 AM

snsd_4_ever → ns_ardent
lol i actually don't know where it all comes from, i wish i knew haha

toyfactory → ns_ardent
Necklace with a promise chapter 17: Series of Unfortunate Events. ENJOY! ^_^
Necklace with a promise chapter 17: Series of Unfortunate Events. ENJOY! ^_^

toyfactory → ns_ardent Necklace with a promise Chapter 16 update! Enjoy! ^_^