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Syoung_Rin96 → 2nylovers
haii unnie.. dari indo kn..?? saamaa dong.. nice to meet u ..

2nylovers → Yu Ri
yuri-shi ... i saw ure first permomance Mr.Taxi it was great and the other great too ..,, and all SONE Indonesia worried about ure health n u was gotten too thin ,,please eat more n take care of ure body ,and for you all girls please don't get sick .. all SONE indonesia always pray for all of u girls' healty ..^^ please say hi for me to sunny bunny happy bhirtday from me L.O.V.E u all :)

2nylovers → Sunny
sunny-shi ... i saw ure first permomance Mr.Taxi it was great and the other great too ..,, and all SONE Indonesia worried about yuri gotten too thin ,,please tell yuri to take care of herself ,her body , and u all girls please don't get sick .. all SONE indonesia always pray for all of u girls' healty ..^^ happy bhirtday sunny bunny wish u all the best n take care ^^ L.O.V.E u all :)