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kyu_sica → ♠♠
Ehemm!! Oppa, are you stalking me?? LOL~
Say something, at least..
I miss you~~ How have you been lately??
Say something, at least..
I miss you~~ How have you been lately??

snsdazzled → ♠♠
yah oppa! stalking much?
you should at least say hello you know. :D
how are you btw?
you should at least say hello you know. :D
how are you btw?

seoxeanne → ♠♠
Yah! Stalking me oppa? Why not leave a message? ^^ how are you oppa?

- reading my own fanfiction.. still amazed by my work. (i can't belive myself either that i made it too.) >.<

RyaLovesDominic → ♠♠
sorry, medyo busy ako ngayon summer oppa. tapos nakalimutan ko pass ko... o.o. wth. SHES PREGNANT!? sorry, all caps. if i may ask... are you the father? -facepalm- YEAH ITS A STUPID QUESTION. D:.

kyu_sica → ♠♠
Hihi! I just missed you oppa.. A LOT!! LOL~
What have you been up to these days?? (:
What have you been up to these days?? (:

snsdazzled → ♠♠
great! :D
oh that reputation thingy.
it's sort of like the like button on facebook. someone "liked" one of my post so there's one there. :)
oh that reputation thingy.
it's sort of like the like button on facebook. someone "liked" one of my post so there's one there. :)

Pamela Lopez → ♠♠
Lol oppa! yes i know you're melting ;) haha im fine and very boredd