Community Status Updates

snsdazzled → ♠♠
I told you you shouldn't just pass by my profile oppa, say hi! :D

snsdazzled → ♠♠
*looking at you weirdly*
what are you doing? O_o
HI! ^_^
what are you doing? O_o
HI! ^_^

still thingking on making my own twitter account.. kinda scared it might eat me.. haha! >.<

♠♠ → snsdazzled
i've always been watching all of you kiddos' silently.. :)
oops, dang! blown my cover! hide! >.<
*stalking.. cough, cough.. stalking...*
PS: Hi Izy! :)
oops, dang! blown my cover! hide! >.<
*stalking.. cough, cough.. stalking...*
PS: Hi Izy! :)

snsdazzled → ♠♠
*stalker detected*
oppa. I know you're silently watching over me.
but a simple hi would make my day better. :D
oppa. I know you're silently watching over me.
but a simple hi would make my day better. :D

♠♠ → Boy Mon't Kiara
hey kiddo, here's the link of Resident Soshi 1.
hope you enjoy it! :D
hope you enjoy it! :D