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And what did Seohyun need to exchange to bring Yoona back? Hyuna had to tear off 2 fingers right? I would've loved to read Seohyun's self-sacrifice. And what of YongSeo? Although I'm curious for the others as well, YoonHyun was the main pairing in SIN 2 whose ending was completely unpredictable to me (aside from HyoYoung)
Oct 06 2011 06:59 AM


It's actually not so sudden xD i've been trying to figure out how you were going to do it since you told me "yoonhyun > yongseo". But GAH! Just Gah! ;-;
Omg! What can I do to urge you to write their reunion at the very least? I know you're busy with princess (sorry, I haven' caught up since the prologue :c) but I just have to know! <3 pretty please?!
Oct 06 2011 06:22 AM


they have a crazy reunion & i planned a TON of yoonhyun stuff. yoona, being back from the dead, talks to jessica, who eventually trains yoona on how to fend for herself. yeah, that's the gist of it. does that satisfy you? lmao. your curiosity is so sudden but i understand it.
Oct 05 2011 10:58 PM


lmao! well... first of all, let's pretend it never happened, k? k. hyomin&sunny were gonna break into jihyun's house after a bunch of stuff happened that caused them all to encounter each other and discover hyo&soo's revival. they discover the notebook where the revival spell was written and sunny tells seohyun about it. seohyun is sent into the nightmare to get yoona's soul and succeeds.
Oct 05 2011 10:57 PM


So i can't help but think about sin 2. I know you dropped it but I can't brush away this nagging feeling that you were going to bring back Yoona. Gah, for the sake of my sanity, will you tell me how you planned on doing it?
Oct 05 2011 10:31 PM


"Amatory Sentiments" you could make more deep the story, but although short... had a nice plot. I liked the way Jessica lost everything for not be honest since the beginning.
Oct 05 2011 02:45 PM


"Painted Crimson", the end was very interesting. Like... Jessica said all the time that she'll do anything to protect the others girls, but i the and... wow! She can't protect them from herself! And can protect herself from herself! =S She had to do, what she had to do! XD This was the thing that I liked in your story. ^^
Oct 05 2011 02:42 PM


Ow! SIN and princeSS are really goods works! SIN I read while I was taking lessons, but now my university is on strike and I have more time here in the soshified forum. SIN take out my breath sometimes! The way you wrote the fighting scenes is really amazing! XD I was apprehensive, who would win. And the end... Sunny T.T Was a really nice end. Dramatic and fair.
Oct 05 2011 02:40 PM


oh wow, thank you for your compliments. i really appreciate them. although, my first 2 fics are really bad... idk how u can say they're good lol. my one-shots, SIN, and princeSS are my best works so you can judge my ability off those ^^ anyway, thank you for reading. i hope you'll continue to enjoy my stories.
Oct 04 2011 11:27 PM


Now I'm reading princeSS and it's a really good story too! =D I'm enjoying ^^. I really like tragic stories, and you have the power to make a great end for yours. XD
Bye bye.
Oct 04 2011 09:07 PM


I started reading your story SIN a one month ago, and just found fantastic your way to think and write. I really enjoyed the end from SIN, was a little sad but really consistent with the plot. Now I read "Painted Crimson", "Amatory Sentiments" and the oneshot that you wrote for TaengSica contest, they are really good stories! I think I'm becoming a fan! hehehehe.
Oct 04 2011 09:05 PM


hahaha you evil author. I'd have to agree with you though, I <strike>love</strike> appreciate sad endings if written well. Though I wouldnt like to read them often! It's like, I hate sad movies, but if it does makes me cry, it must be omfg good to have touched me like that!!
Ah of course you got better. Everybody starts at the bottom, every artiste has their embarrassing debut(SNSD? haha) ;)
Oct 02 2011 03:26 PM


standards, yes. but since they're my earlier works they do not compare to any of my recent writings. you'll notice lack of emotions, illogical plot progression, and general stupidity that embarrasses me hahaha. i won't delete them, of course. i'll just warn you -- it's verryyy bad. and yes, trompe is heavy. probably the epitome of my writing ability. also i love sad endings. <3
Oct 02 2011 03:16 PM


I have read ur 1 shots! Havent commented there cuz... I started this "hiatus" thing then lol. oops? trompe l'oeil was heavy and (hence) memorable. I rmb skimming through it the 1st time, while the bus I was in was heaving/braking/etc and I was like, "omg, this kinda story, I'd need time & place" . I note that you arent that reserved in having sad endings hahaha.
Oct 02 2011 03:05 PM


You're too hard on ur writing lol, I dont see anybody else complaining & neither will I. Eh, you wouldnt delete those will you??? Like what you did to Confession. Else I'd have to quickly go save them up before you delete them!! haha! No matter how bad you say it is, I know ur standards :) it cant be THAT bad.
Oct 02 2011 03:01 PM