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Jennifer Kwak → thuyty22
haha I think half of them don't even visit SSF anymore D:
and I don't remember everyone's usernames LOL.
and I don't remember everyone's usernames LOL.

thuyty22 → Jennifer Kwak
mannn that family tree makes me miss those skyping days T_T

Jennifer Kwak → kimmon
MONICA. it's been a long time. but. were you on SEVENTEEN magazine? cause I just got my magazine and thought it looked like youu. & then I saw the name and I was like. :O

es21 → Jennifer Kwak
world cup fans too??
congratzz, S.korea go to the round of 16..
erm,,hope they do well..XD
world cup fans too??
congratzz, S.korea go to the round of 16..
erm,,hope they do well..XD

Ghost → Jennifer Kwak
Meh, the encoding is all weird on this new server. Hope it gets fixed soon. o_o; Oh and TAENGSIC > TAENY ^^; haha

Jennifer Kwak → Ghost
urjghlkfjd you can't post hearts on ssf ): they turn into questionmarks !

Jennifer Kwak → Ghost
taengsic galore :O
guess what.
HAHA. JK. :) ?
guess what.
HAHA. JK. :) ?

Jak_Jak → Jennifer Kwak
hi! heehee just droppin by! :D
your sig totally caught my attention! yoong and taecyeon?
..they look cute together! xD
ooh.. i liek the second pic in yer sig.. *rawr* xD
your sig totally caught my attention! yoong and taecyeon?
..they look cute together! xD
ooh.. i liek the second pic in yer sig.. *rawr* xD

KC → Jennifer Kwak
lol thx? not super rich lol i just really like computers hahaha

Ghost → Jennifer Kwak
lol just don't go for the actual ROTC uniforms~ they're ugly. x_x;
I used to wonder how awesomer ROTC would be if they had Genie-esque uniforms... lol
I used to wonder how awesomer ROTC would be if they had Genie-esque uniforms... lol