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noona, 6 more day till you album release, i'm so excited, it's a good thing that i pre-ordered it with my friends, it's my first time buying an album, i actually want to start from into the new world first single, but well... it's kinda hard finding it now, i'll make sure i don't go anywhere on october 21st so i can watch your comeback live, go online again sometimes, i am always waiting for you!
Oct 13 2011 07:50 AM


noona, i heard your album will be release in the US on october 19th, you guys are really taking some big steps, time really flies by, i can't believe in only 4 years you have made it this far, if only i could turn back time, i want to be your fan from when you debuted, i want to see your rise to fame, oh yeah speaking of fame, i saw pictures of you practicing, i hope you do well, noona fighting!
Oct 12 2011 07:19 AM


hello noona, i'm extremely happy today, you know why? a fanpage on facebook posted a link to a scary story, but there's a surprise in it, i told my friends to spread it to their friends and the response was extremely funny, i'm laughing so hard, my stomach is hurting, i forgot all of my problem seeing that, anyway i heard your tour will be set on 9 dec, that's great, lucky singapore sones, bye2:)
Oct 11 2011 06:57 AM


noona, i'm having a really bad time this year from school, home, everywhere, i think this is my worst year but, this is also my best year cause this is the year that i first saw you, i don't know what i'll do if i had never saw you, anyway, i saw you musical profile, like always you look really pretty, i really hope that we'll meet soon, so take care for now:)
Oct 10 2011 08:16 AM


noona, i watched on a video that you're back on music core, congrats! too bad that the channel with music core was block, i like your new hairstyle, a couple of months ago i always saw your hair in a bun, wow! up until now i still can't believe i'm leaving messages to my idol, it's like a dream, go online again sometimes when you have nothing to do, we're always waiting for you! well i am:)
Oct 08 2011 09:17 AM


by the way, you look really beautiful on the second teaser, i can't wait for the real MV to be release, so fighting! take a rest and don't push yourself to hard:)
Oct 07 2011 09:59 AM


noona~ i can't sleep cause i've been watching girls go to school(for the 3rd time) and i'm at episode 4, your birthday party, that's my favorite episode of the show, anyway i've been wanting to cut my hair but my stylist can't seem to get what i'm try to tell him, for more than 3 years i can't get the style i wanted, but after seeing sunny-noona on the second teaser, i think i know what's missing
Oct 07 2011 09:56 AM


noona, i heard isak-noona went to your musical practice and she said you're not feeling well, don't overdo it noona, it hurts me seeing you get sick, anyway i've seen your photo for promoting a headphone, you look so pretty even with only thin make up, it has become my new wallpaper, everytime i look at it i can't help but smile, seriously, you look so beautiful, take more good care of your health
Oct 06 2011 09:09 AM


noona, i've noticed that i've been posting here almost everyday for a couple of days, sorry about that, it's just that i'm so excited that your comeback is this month, oh yeah i heard that your singapore concerts will be held this december, lucky sones, one day i will go to one of your concert, not in my country but in korea and i will meet you in person cause that's one of my life's goals
Oct 05 2011 09:01 AM


hey noona! i saw the second teaser on fancam before it was closed by SM, you looked really beautiful, your beauty was too good for words, i'm utterly speechless, anyways have you been visiting soshified lately? if not we would understand, now that your schedules are getting busier than when your on hiatus, but just remember, don't worked yourself too hard, good night noona! i hope we'll meet soon!
Oct 04 2011 08:41 AM


noona, i've been refreshing youtube for about an hour and the teaser still haven't been uploaded, there are a lot of sones that keep bashing sm, it looks like some stress fan but at least there are some sones who still keeps a cool head, i can't wait for the teaser to be release, i hope when i get back tomorrow it would already been uploaded, sweet dreams noona:)
Oct 02 2011 08:05 AM


Why does the King who has everything wanted to steal from the Peasant who only has one thing he cherish? Is the King jealous of the Peasant?
Oct 02 2011 06:33 AM


noona, i saw you on yu huiyeol's sketchbook this morning on a video of course, you look really pretty with that red dress and you manage to put a teaser for "The Boys" in the opening as well, that's awesome, the song was really funny by the way, and i heard you rehearsed your musical from 10am to 10 pm, that's way too long, but i admire your spirit, keep up the good work and take care:)
Oct 01 2011 06:28 AM

SnowFoxSoo Young

noona, i heard you've recovered, that's great news, i hope accidents like that will never happen again, now just rest as much as you can but don't forget to practice for your comeback as well! but still take it easy
Sep 30 2011 08:45 AM


noona, just saw the teaser, it's really cool especially the last part when black petals were falling, it's fantastic, it's too bad the album release was postponed but on the bright side you got some extra rest time, i hope you'll use your resting time wisely and good luck on your musical, you've worked hard, you'll definitely succeed, i'll pray for you:)
Sep 30 2011 08:42 AM