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hey noona, it's been a while, i'm still waiting for my album, it's really taking a long time, but i hope my waiting would pay off, your wall's is not flooded anymore that's a good thing, hope you can read some of the messages when you online, don't work too hard okay? i love you:)
Nov 04 2011 08:41 AM


noona, i heard that jessica-noona has a stalker, that's scary, i hope he would stop stalking her, anyway you just keeps on topping all the charts and music programs, i'm so proud of you guys, keep up the good work, we all will always support you guys!
Nov 01 2011 07:00 AM


hey noona, soshified is finally back on, yesterday i was so tired from the festival in my school even though i didn't do anything hahahaXD, by the way check out the new layout, it's kinda cool but a bit complicated, good think it's temporary, go online if you're bored sometimes!
Oct 29 2011 11:05 PM


noona, tomorrow you're gonna make your comeback stage on mnet countdown, i'm so excited again, i feel like i mustn't go anywhere far this month so i can watch all your performance on music programs, anyway it seems like your the most popular on soshified out of the nine girls, there's always someone new on the visitor box while the other barely had one, maybe it's because you checks in most often?
Oct 26 2011 07:49 AM


noona, i see that you were at the soshified fan-meeting today, they're so lucky, they're not only able to go to the fan-meeting but also the concert, a fan saw you and taeyeon-noona going to starbucks right? not only that, a fan also used the same elevator as you, man... you don't know how jealous i am right now, i hope one day all of my waiting will pay off, i'll meet you someday, wait for me!!!
Oct 25 2011 07:05 AM


noona, i've been seeing a lot of talents everywhere whether it's in real life or in the internet like singing, dancing, sports and stuffs, it makes me want to try out something, suddenly i'm addicted to dancing today, i really want to be good at something, anyway you've arrive in new york two days ago as i recall, i still remember when you went to new york to film for factory girls, have fun:)
Oct 24 2011 07:38 AM


noona, have you arrived at new york yet? if not i hope you have an enjoyable flight, when you go back to the states for concert and stuffs do you meet your family? they must've missed you a lot, sones in new york are really lucky, they're gonna be the second country to see the boys live, well i guess i just need to be patient and keep praying, my time will come soon, i hope you'll wait for me!
Oct 22 2011 06:57 AM


noona, i've watched your comeback and it's awesome, i was trembling when i was watching it, there are so many new and nice songs, but the one like most are the boys and kim hyunjoong-hyung's lucky guy, he won this weeks first place right? it's a shame that he won't be first place again next week and it was a really nice song too, just bad comeback date, you'll be first place next week, no doubt!
Oct 21 2011 08:09 AM


i actually have a festival tomorrow at my school, but i'm going to go home early to prepare for your comeback, i know you won't let me down, jigeumeun sonyeo shidae!
Oct 20 2011 07:11 AM


noona, i've been listening to the boys a lot of times today, even though i miss your singing, i still love the rapping part, i enjoy singing and rapping even more after hearing the song, i really want to learn korean so i would understood what i'm singing or rapping hahaha, i hope i could one day sing as good as you or other singers, good luck for tomorrows comeback:)
Oct 20 2011 07:01 AM


noona, i see your wall is flooded again, i can't even imagine how many notification you have now, sorry that i keep posting here, i just wanted to meet you really bad, anyway all of your new songs are really good, i want to listen to it but it's already night time, tomorrow i might listen to it all day after i got home from school, don't work too hard, i don't want to see you sick again:(
Oct 19 2011 06:58 AM


noona, i've just watched the full MV, it's really cool, it's too bad that you're mostly rapping now, i really wanted to hear you sing, but aside from that your new hairstyle looks very beautiful, i'm still waiting for my album, i hope i'm lucky when i'm opening the box, i hope you'll won first place again with this songs, i know you will, you won't let us down right? soshi fighting!
Oct 18 2011 07:29 AM


noona i've just watched the latest teaser, it just keeps getting better and better, so i guest that there will be no more teaser? and the next one will be the full MV? i really can't stand waiting for the full MV to be release, oh yeah, i heard that you're going to sing songs from the boys album on your singapore concert, lucky them, they're gonna be the second country to see it live, so jealous:(
Oct 16 2011 07:28 AM


noona, i've been looking for good songs today and i just happened to remember songs that you recommended, i love it! some of the songs bring backs memories from when i first saw you, i began to watch MTV because i was changing channel and saw hoot, coincidence huh? then i started to listen to western songs too, because of you i like korean songs and western songs, you've influence me yet again:)
Oct 15 2011 08:59 AM


noona, i've saw the third teaser and it was awesome! i downloaded it before i even watched it, so... are you gonna start rapping from now on? cause that would be so cool, and are you really going to debut in the states this year? i mean really going to the states, performing english song? well whatever you do i'll always support it, take care, i'll always be here for you:)
Oct 14 2011 09:05 AM