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Momo Kola → AyyChristine
hopefully in 2more years unless I take more classes in the summer but I hope not too long lol. but I hate driving I prefer to fly,bus, or let someone else drive lol
AyyChristine → Momo Kola
hmmm so how many more years until you graduate? I'm from Toronto, Canada! So Maryland isn't too far! Probably gonna drive there! Well my parents are driving! :D
Momo Kola → AyyChristine
General Ed and Medical Assisting now but I am trying to get into the Nursing program. I need to find work soon too lol. Maryland is a good place, where u from?
AyyChristine → Momo Kola
So what's your major right now? and what are you changing it to? Hmm my summer plans are just work, spending time with family, and I'm planning to visit some relatives in Maryland! :D
Momo Kola → AyyChristine
thats good so u will have time to find wat u really want to do. I would be finished with school but I have changed my major like twice now so I am taking a bit more time lol. summer plans just seem to be school and the beach lol. wat bout u? got plans yet?
AyyChristine → Momo Kola
Well first year is just general business and in second year we get to pick a major. But I'm planning to major in Finance ^_^ hehe Are you done school yet? Going anywhere exciting this summer?
Momo Kola → AyyChristine
i noe right lo. saving up is good. do u know wat yr major is? yes I am excited for summer. need a bit of a break lol and I need to tan a bit more cuze I am a lil light for being an islander lol
AyyChristine → Momo Kola
Oh snap! I didn't sign onto SSF for so long :( haha but I'm good! :D Saving up for university! How are you? excited for the summer? :D
Momo Kola → AyyChristine
Hello~ Our conversation was getting lost in sbox lol. But how are you?