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Member Since 04 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2014 09:52 AM

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In Topic: [12.09.11] & [12.10.11] SNSD in Singapore, the good and bad

10 December 2011 - 09:45 AM

Yes there were quite a few people who just rudely pushed and squeezed even though we already stood there and 'chope' our places. I know which girl you are talking about. HAHAHA! Because the same girl also screamed into my ears so deafening. Unfortunately, Sica didn't respond at all. So sad. I think many of us got electrocuted by Tiffany. =P

Oooh o_0 , that means we must have been really close lolz.
I think Sica definitely did hear her once, cos someone said she heard n sort of look but I couldnt really see due to the stoning guy's height.

Tiffany's fan service was really awesome!

In Topic: [12.09.11] & [12.10.11] SNSD in Singapore, the good and bad

10 December 2011 - 08:32 AM

Agreed about the non-responsive ppl. Like hello? Why come to a concert if you are just going to stone there?
I was at Pen A, at the front somewhere near the middle and there was this guy who squeezed rather rudely there, even though other ppl were seated there and waited. However, throughout the concert he hardly waved his light stick & he look so bored (even when so many of the girls are walking past & waving at us) most of the time he was just staring at the screen.

On a brighter note,
I was surrounded by a lot of enthusiastic fans and there was this gal that kept shouting Jessica (my ears hurts but its ok, at least thats the way u should watch & enjoy the concert)
Tiffany smiled & winked at me, will never forget this moment.

Hope to attend another of their concert again!

In Topic: SNSD concert in sg

09 December 2011 - 09:33 AM

go with friends then rotate in between lor~

going alone, no friends =(

In Topic: SNSD concert in sg

09 December 2011 - 09:20 AM

hey when you que up for the entry of the pens.. are we allowed to leave to eat and still get back our spots?

I would like to know this to, as I got Pen A tics for today's concert. Would appreciate if anyone can answer this query. Thks in advance!