Is their 3 years since debut and is my First Year being a SONE!Although I can't know them much earlier, but they are still Goddess in my heart!
Happy 3Rd Anniversary Year Of Girls' Generation!
Without them, there is no SONE,
Without them, there's no crazy fan like me!
Love SNSD!Saranghae!All The Best for Japan Debut So Nyuh Shi Dae!
Sorry to use other idol songs but this represents of what I think!
"Abracadabra" "Magic" that "Change" "I My Me Mine" ,
Just like the famous "Mister" "Lupin" which steal ,
Steal my heart , Like "No Others" ,
"Genie" which bring "Love" & "Love Light" "Into The New World"
"I'm A Loner" no longer
Goddess that even "Lucifer" can't harm , "Gee"z
"Run Devil Run"!
The "Hot Issue" that "Hit Your Heart".
The "Echo" that make me "Oh!"
"I Go Crazy Because Of You".
That's "Girls' Generation".
- Soshified
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Member Since 30 Mar 2010Offline Last Active Jan 14 2018 11:50 PM
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- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 188
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- Member Title In Love With Taeyeon
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday June 21, 1993
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In Topic: Happy Third Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대
05 August 2010 - 04:58 AM
In Topic: [UFO] Taeyeon UFO Replies
17 July 2010 - 03:40 PM
AM I the first??
..Haha..Taeyeon is so cute..The fan say she must stay healthy and she replied Youhave no interest in me..hmm..I wonder why...ANyway thanks for translating & Sharing

In Topic: [UFO] Seohyun's UFO Replies
23 June 2010 - 10:08 PM
Keroro is for younger age.I guess she rarely watch Keroro already..She's busy with the Japan promotion!
Do your best maknae!

Do your best maknae!
In Topic: [OTHERS] If you're a true SONE, you should know that...
08 May 2010 - 07:47 AM
Haha!Funny!The most funniest to me is when they say Yoona taeyeon and Sooyoung caugt a corkroach and burnt it..OMG>.They are so evil yet so cute!
And the most pity wan is Sunny....I felt so sad becaUse she were a Gulf war refugee..Thanks God her parents bring her back to Korea...
And the most pity wan is Sunny....I felt so sad becaUse she were a Gulf war refugee..Thanks God her parents bring her back to Korea...
In Topic: [UFO] f(x) Krystal UFO about Jessica
30 April 2010 - 05:45 AM
Haha!That' so sweet of Jessica!Sure the fans will jealous till the maximum!
For what the fan wanna say till like that..Come on la..xD!
For what the fan wanna say till like that..Come on la..xD!
- Soshified
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