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Member Since 25 Mar 2010
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In Topic: 04 - Complete

22 September 2010 - 05:24 AM

I really love this song.

This song just inspires me a lot, especially in writing.
Complete evokes a lot of emotions, like happiness with a mixture of sadness in me.
It's really a touching song, I love it a lot.

I can say that this is one of my top favorites, all time, and will be the number one song in my favorite ballad list. And there isn't that much songs that evokes a feeling that stirs me up, but this is certainly one that I can say that does. I hope they sing more songs like this, its really a good song, a good genre for them.

I'll never get tired of listening to this song and that I'm sure.

Thank you for translating this to us. ^ ^