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Member Since 21 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2013 12:26 AM

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In Topic: [ARTICLE] Tae Yeon in Singapore

03 June 2010 - 04:21 AM

I'm not bashing the poster or the translator here, in fact, thank you to you guys for your hard work at translating. :) If anything, it should be the reporter who should be fired for not verifying the rumours before writing an article.

But there are always people who are going to believe whatever newspapers report, so rather than showing them one side of the story, let's show them both. :)

Again, thanks for translating, and I mean no harm to you or wh!.

haha kk,
ps oso i see your post jus now den abit dulan, haha

anyway, enjoy the article ppl!!!
taengoo hwaitaeng!!

In Topic: [ARTICLE] Tae Yeon in Singapore

03 June 2010 - 04:10 AM

Firstly, 'Lianhe Wan Bao' is regarded as a gossip paper in singapore. You could say it is equiavalent to UK newspaper 'The Sun'.

"The leader of SNSD, one of the most popular Korean pop groups, SNSD or Girls’ Generation, had arrived in Singapore secretly with her family for a short holiday. However, once she was spotted by her fans, she was followed everywhere by over a hundred fans."

This estimate is an exaggeration. The only time where there might have been over 100 fans would be at the Singapore Flyer. After that, most fans did not know her whereabouts, and stopped stalking.

"The fans shouted excitedly, kept cheering and calling out her name while taking pictures and flashing the cameras right in her face, causing her to say ‘’please no pictures’’ in a slightly offended tone. The 18 secs clip taken of the incident has been uploaded online, and had active response, hitting over 25k views already."

1. There was only 1 person that used a polaroid with heavy flash right in her face. That person has been spotted at ALL kpop events in Singapore, and should not be regarded as a SONE.
2. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=yj2XSK3ieE4 This is the 18 second video mentioned in the article. It can be clearly seen that Taeyeon does not sound or look offended at all. In fact, she was politely asking fans to stop taking pictures, and the fans there apologised.
3. As can be seen in the numerous fancams, fans kept their distance, and did not really crowd or 'mob' Taeyeon.

"Similarly, Kim Tae Yeon had also encountered crazy fans, who were rumored to have pulled at her hair. (However, there is another version of the incident where an itchy handed fan had reached out and grabbed at her hands.)"



This is a video of Taeyeon safely reaching her chartered bus with her family, without any fans going near them, much less grabbing and pulling at Taeyeon’s hands/hair. Everyone near Taeyeon was her family and the staff that accompanied them to the Singapore Flyer.

"Online fans had mentioned on her FACEBOOK fan page that it was already part of her schedule to come to Singapore for a short trip, so she did not leave Singapore earlier just because she was spotted by fans. They also stated that Tae Yeon was not angry about her fans’ actions, but she felt apologetic to her family members who were travelling with her."

This news was first posted by @bossa747 on TWITTER, not on facebook.

Hey ppl chill chill, i was the one who translated it first
and i would say im not the best translator around
sorry for the mistranslation of "??" .
and den stop using the video thing to comment abt us, we have an even better video compared to fancams available online, so we do know that she was actually smiling a lot.
secondly yes we know that the news is exaggerating, but im just translating it.
so do not bring it up to wh, bring it up to me if anyone of you has issues.

like he said, he has a different view, so do i.
we knew what really happened there, but den we didnt want to add our own views in the translation
so yeah, pls keep ur comments to yourselves
just read the article and enjoy the pics

In Topic: [FAN ACCNT] A Samchon Fan's Account, (Part 1)

16 May 2010 - 09:41 AM

i think the girls changed me a lot
i used to really dislike SM too
when i first saw snsd, my mind went, 'oh another girl grp'
but den when i listened to some songs(did not know they were sung by snsd)
i really liked them and did not find out that they were sung by snsd until this year, believe it or not
after that i think snsd occupies almost all my free time haha
yeah ppl may think the snsd fans are crazy
and i agree too, cos we're crazy for the girls^^
snsd hwaitaeng!!

In Topic: [ARTICLE] Taeyeon / Girl, Dreaming of Freedom

16 May 2010 - 09:30 AM

aww i'll never get a chance to watch any of their musicals:(
so i guess i;ll just stick to the fancams^^
taeyeon and jessica noonas musicals are really nice
hope i'll get to meet them face to face one day haha
if that happens i think i'll hyperventilate on the spot
snsd hwaitaeng^^

In Topic: [FAN ACCNT] A Samchon Fan's Account, (Part 2)

16 May 2010 - 09:25 AM

a few words for you uncle, u rock to the max!!
and im really touched by the girl's being able to recognise their fans
and one more thing, im really jealous of you.
right now i really wish i had been born in korea.
snsd hwaitaeng!!