Kim Yukihiko
Member Since 20 Mar 2010Offline Last Active Oct 12 2021 08:14 AM
Profile Feed

Takuro → Kim Yukihiko
How was all the exams? very good idea you gave me lor ask me to kill all the kids >:(

Raeganger → Kim Yukihiko
i've been falling sick a lot lately -.-;;; sien one. faster come back to twitter!!! we miss you!!!!!

KougraJetGel → Kim Yukihiko
hate management honestly. god jyjy noona you definitely can do it!! HAVE FAITH!

Kim Yukihiko → Raeganger
Yeah /sobs
Don't worry, I have today and tomorrow to rest before my last paper =D what you doing lately
Don't worry, I have today and tomorrow to rest before my last paper =D what you doing lately

Kim Yukihiko → KougraJetGel
I had my management paper 2 days ago. I dont think I did well. I just hope that my lecturer will be kind enough to give us higher marks since she's going to move to another university, we're her last batch of students haha

KougraJetGel → Kim Yukihiko
oh. O_O NOONA YOU CAN DO IT!!! JYJY!!! you have to just go for it yo!!!

Kim Yukihiko → KougraJetGel
Today's paper was okay, Critical Thinking and its Application =D BUT I SUCK AT MANAEGMENT I WANNA PASS THAT SUBJECT!

Kim Yukihiko → KougraJetGel
You did? Sorry I forgot hahha I am overtaken by an enormous fatigue