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Member Since 13 Mar 2010
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In Topic: [MESSAGE] Sica's message on woorisica 10.30.10

30 October 2010 - 09:17 PM

just when i thought she can't get any cuter, she did this :wub:
hehehehehehehehe... your man left you for another guy? hehehehehehehehehehehehhee... don't worry we'll keep it secret... :woot:

In Topic: [OTHER] Arihara Kanna's Blog - answer01 & answer02

07 August 2010 - 10:27 AM

lol, really... kanna and erika... we had 2 s♥nes in C-ute... I won't be surprised if all C-ute members know of SNSD, hahahaha.. wonder if Berryz Kobo listens to SNSD, considering they've "met" in asia song festival, lol...

thanks for the translation and hard work~♥

In Topic: [OTHER] Jessica is this kind of a girl...

25 July 2010 - 07:04 PM

this is a testament of Jessica's effort... she is really a hard working girl... so hard working that she ends up looking tired/bored on air OTL.. hehehehehehehe... ♥
she totally deserve this, she works hard to make a name for herself and she is living up to be THE GENERATION OF GIRLS!
I hope through this article more people will open up to woori-sica and not see her in that old-missunderstood light of "snobby person"... i've never seen her as 'arrogant' and i'm glad that she is one of the first person that got me into this fandom 8D

thanks for the translation~♥

In Topic: [OTHERS] I Miss You, SNSD

16 July 2010 - 08:26 AM

hoa... epic post! thanks for translating... i actually teared up and shade some, lol... it really summarizes what i feel for them :<
it's so beautiful... i hope they really got the chance to see this :3

In Topic: [OTHER] Various Japanese Celebrities Love SNSD

14 June 2010 - 01:19 PM

thanks for the translation~!

and roflmao... both Erika and Kanna loves soshi?? rofl... i wonder if they actually fangirl when they are together... so there are possibilities that the other C-ute knows about soshi too... hm... *imagines Airi and Nakky singing 'kissing you'* hahahaha...

i see that the girls have already established quite impressive fandom in Japan.. now i'm not so worried about their debut...
all the best soshi~~ always got SONEs behind your back to support~!

and soshified jjang~! <3
mucho love~~