Thanks for the translation!!
I had a lot of trouble trying to understand this song for some reason.
Now it makes a lot more sense !!
- Soshified
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Member Since 09 Mar 2010Offline Last Active Mar 18 2014 04:13 PM
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In Topic: 01 - Paparazzi
29 June 2012 - 04:09 AM
In Topic: 08 - Let It Rain
15 June 2011 - 06:12 PM
Thanks for the translation !!
i have a Japanese exam tomorrow, so this can be considered "study" hahaha
i have a Japanese exam tomorrow, so this can be considered "study" hahaha
In Topic: [INTERVIEW] Glamorous - SNSD
05 February 2011 - 03:32 AM
seohyun admires Hilary Clinton?
hahaha that's such a seohyun-like answer
like when she was talking about ban ki-moon to yonghwa for the first time lols
thx for the translation !
hahaha that's such a seohyun-like answer
like when she was talking about ban ki-moon to yonghwa for the first time lols
thx for the translation !
In Topic: [COMIC] Hello We're SNSD!! Chapter 22, "I want to date.."
11 May 2010 - 02:53 AM
hahaha sounds so true
i think our maknae is really innocent when it comes to talking abt we got married.
i like the contrast between yonghwa and hyungdon LOL
i think our maknae is really innocent when it comes to talking abt we got married.
i like the contrast between yonghwa and hyungdon LOL
- Soshified
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