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Member Since 01 Mar 2010
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Posts I've Made

In Topic: Happy Third Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대

05 August 2010 - 03:57 AM

Wow...3 years. I didn't know you when you debuted but from what I've seen you girls were amazing. Through all of your struggles and hardships you remained strong and together and you became even better. When you debuted, you tried your hardest to prove to everyone how good you were and that you belonged there, 3 years later you are the top girl group. Thank you for not forgetting who you are and where you came from. Even with everything that has happened and everything that you all have gone through, you are still 9 of the most amazing people that I have ever been introduced to in my life. You have my love and my dedication for life. Now, Tomorrow, Forever 9!!!

In Topic: [2010] Charity Water Well for 9

21 May 2010 - 07:55 AM

Glad to see you picked this charity. I hope we can do this for all of the girls.

Username: bjseef
Amount: USD$20