Wow, I must say that I feel entirely the same way MoonSoshi... Even right now, more than a month since the trip, I do get depressed occasionally when I think about not being in Seoul. The experience was simply one of a kind. About the part where you mentioned that you were close not to going, I was somewhat in that position too during those few days in end May-1st June. Was pondering if my parents would finally accede to my wish to go for this trip especially since I was raving to visit Seoul before school term starts. I can't simply imagine the utter regret if I hadn't grabbed this amazing opportunity..
And lastly, that was a great fan account... I'll certainly re-read it again whenever I wish to revisit those moments
- Soshified
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Member Since 19 Feb 2010Offline Last Active Jul 18 2014 06:03 AM
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- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday December 26, 1990
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In Topic: [2011.7.21-7.25] SSF Korea Trip
01 September 2011 - 07:02 AM
In Topic: [2011.7.21-25]SSF Trip Kpop + Concert
08 August 2011 - 06:55 PM
Thanks a lot MoonSoshi9 for posting up such a detailed fan account! I'm definitely saving this even though I wrote my own because I missed out some of those little precious moments.
In Topic: [OTHERS] Oh! Original Version Lyrics
10 June 2011 - 09:05 PM
I'm quite confused about this video... wasn't this clip released just a while after they started promoting Oh! but they were singing the official version. How come this clip has the audio of a 'prototype' version?
- Soshified
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