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Member Since 13 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 12 2012 09:08 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [30.11.2011] Encounter with Sooyoung at MBS~

04 February 2012 - 08:06 AM

Lucky you. :( If ever I meet Sooyoung, I will die in bliss T__T
And just to inform you, there's actually a rule stated by SM that their artistes are not allowed to take pictures with fans and not to take presents from them. I guess this is why Sooyoung rejected taking your gift for Yoona because she didn't wanted to break the rules. This is also probably the reason why Siwon and the others couldn't take a pic with you too. :)

Though at some times, they did take pics with fans..hmm..I'm also not very sure about this but I did read somewhere before that SM doesn't allow their artistes to accept presents from fans. So don't be butthurt, alright? :)

I wish I'm you T_T

In Topic: 04 - Time Machine

28 December 2011 - 09:34 PM

Sob :( The meaning to this song is so awesome there is no words to describe it. It's so meaningful, ya know?
And sad too. I think If I lose someone I love and heard this song, I'll seriously start crying.
So irony how Sooyoung just lose her doggie T__T

Thanks for the translation! You guys are jjang!

In Topic: 10 - 제자리걸음 (Sunflower)

14 November 2011 - 05:51 AM

Omg, Sunflower is such a sad song, the meaning... :(
I bet some of them feel that way... I mean,looking at someone they like but the someone likes someone else..

In Topic: [OTHERS] Sooyoung's Message and Selca on Japanese Fansite

11 November 2011 - 02:25 AM

Ahhh! The dog is so cute!!! Suri-chan! xD What happen to your Zzang-Yi, Sooyoung-ah? Hope you still remember your doggie in Seoul.
Thanks for the translations! Sooyoung is so prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

In Topic: 05 - 봄날 (How Great Is Your Love)

07 November 2011 - 07:47 AM

Thanks for the translations!
Sooyoung is really romantic huh? The lyrics she wrote is so passionate and meaningful.
Aish that girl.