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Member Since 11 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active May 21 2014 02:03 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [PICTURES] Soshi Travel Kit

21 March 2011 - 07:59 AM

Wow! I'm speechless. I'm always so proud to be a part of Soshified, especially when we're able to show our love for the girls with such amazing gifts! Great job everyone :D

In Topic: [UFO] Jessica's UFO Messages

06 February 2011 - 05:53 AM

Bahahahaha, Sica is so funny. I love it when she's like this, so cutee :3

In Topic: 02 - 내 잘못이죠 (Mistake)

30 October 2010 - 01:41 AM

Wooow this song is one of my favorites right now. Not only does it describe everything I'm feeling right now, Yuri is my bias, so it's fate (well, I think it is) that it was this song. Ahh it's so sad.. she's such an awesome songwriter. I hope Yuri is doing okay though..

In Topic: [OTHER] Thoughts from a Chinese fan

20 September 2010 - 12:49 AM

Wow, that was really touching. To be honest, I did tear up. I agree wholeheartedly though; even though it's sad to hear, we need to let the girls move on at some point. But the main thing is they will ALWAYS be SNSD no matter where they are and we should be there for them through it all.

In Topic: Eco Song - Innisfree CF

31 August 2010 - 04:42 AM

Ah, thanks for this ! The lyrics are so adorable :D Yoona did an amazing job with this. I can't stop listening to it hehe