Member Since 09 Feb 2010Offline Last Active Jul 14 2018 06:20 AM
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asyrawwr → Apple :)
lol, i mean seriously, not a big deal :p
plus! i'm rarely here lol. its been awhile since my last visit to soshified. wahh such a busy year for u eh? tuition, school and stuff. hope u're taking a good care of urself :p
plus! i'm rarely here lol. its been awhile since my last visit to soshified. wahh such a busy year for u eh? tuition, school and stuff. hope u're taking a good care of urself :p

Apple :) → asyrawwr
oh , sorry for taking a long long time to reply ur comment. ha, new subjects are really hard. yeah, so now, i'm really busy with homework, tuition and stuff. so, i dont have time online. i'm sorryy , :D

asyrawwr → Apple :)
haha no biggie seriously :p
ahhh i see... its very hard for u to handle new subjects eh? dont worry, u'll get used to it :) wow grats in the result! not bad, not bad. lol u can reply me whenever u free lol. of course we still can chat :D
ahhh i see... its very hard for u to handle new subjects eh? dont worry, u'll get used to it :) wow grats in the result! not bad, not bad. lol u can reply me whenever u free lol. of course we still can chat :D

Apple :) → asyrawwr
oh, i'm sorry. i've been missing again.haha. school just started and i'm really tired. bio, physics, chemistry, addmath, form 4 subjects are hard just by hearing their name! now, i'm really sorry coz i only can online on weekend. my pmr results was okay, but not great. i got 1 B, luckily the others were A. ha, but, we still can chat, right ? haha :)

asyrawwr → Apple :)
lol if i just grab like that im pretty sure that ill get in BIG trouble lol.
nahhh~ there's no way pretty lenglui ever get their attention on me xD
how am i suppose to tell u if i never expect u to be missing O_O
nahhh~ there's no way pretty lenglui ever get their attention on me xD
how am i suppose to tell u if i never expect u to be missing O_O

Apple :) → asyrawwr
pretty lenglui? haha, u should've grab one of them. lol. :)
then, u should tell me earlier before i've been missing! :)
then, u should tell me earlier before i've been missing! :)

asyrawwr → Apple :)
its very fun indeed.
lots of pretty lenglui there :p
yeahhh~ ive been whining bout boredness stuck at home doing nothing.
ahahahaha.. uve been missing about a week lo.
cmna maw ajak :p
lots of pretty lenglui there :p
yeahhh~ ive been whining bout boredness stuck at home doing nothing.
ahahahaha.. uve been missing about a week lo.
cmna maw ajak :p

Apple :) → asyrawwr
oh, singapore. have fun there?
you were always talking about how bored you are. now, you already went for a vacation. it must be really great! :)
ha, one more, nape pg singpore tk ajk? haha :)
you were always talking about how bored you are. now, you already went for a vacation. it must be really great! :)
ha, one more, nape pg singpore tk ajk? haha :)

asyrawwr → Apple :)
they're very awesome :D
ahh balek kg. i see..
sorry for the late reply too, since i just got back from singapore.
what a trip :D
they're very awesome :D
ahh balek kg. i see..
sorry for the late reply too, since i just got back from singapore.
what a trip :D

Apple :) → asyrawwr
ha,taesabiae. duo? or triplet? i think i'll look it at yt later.
and u waited for me to reply ur comment, rite? ha,, really sorry for the late reply. balek kg la, :)
and u waited for me to reply ur comment, rite? ha,, really sorry for the late reply. balek kg la, :)