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Member Since 31 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 21 2022 09:38 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [TIFFANY] Tiffany briefly visits Soshified 110819

19 August 2011 - 08:10 AM

ahaha im just happy to see the blue name ^^ atleast i am online when she visited kekekeke ^^ fany is really jjang but i do hope she didnt lag when she was visiting though bcoz when they twitted fany is here a lot of members logged in!! ahahaha ^^ the power of tiffany!!! lolol

In Topic: [PICTURES] 「GLOBAL GENERATION」소녀시대 4주년기념 선물

27 July 2011 - 07:51 AM

OH EM GEE!! WOW!! REALLY NICE GIFTS!!! ^_^ i love the grow your own cucumber!! ahaha i hope sica will grow them~~ heheheh and icade~ ahahha i think sunny bunny will definitely like that one~ and soshiland BOARD GAME!! wow exclusive for the girls only!!! really really nice!!! i know the girls will love them very much!!!


In Topic: [02.06.2011] Meeting Tiffany and TaeYeon

04 July 2011 - 04:43 AM

first!! oh my you met TaeNy i guess that was your good luck bcoz you got accepted!!! CONGRATS!!! really nice that you got in!! really really happy for you!! it will be hard but think of soshi's and your dream!!! HIMNAE!!

In Topic: [OTHERS] SNSD are worried about SONE

23 May 2011 - 04:21 AM

well i guess SONE's worries about SoShi seeing the endless schedule and SoShi's worrying about SONE's who worries about them~ i feel really loved seeing this and reading this~ hehehe and another map about restaurants~ i will stop worrying now and cheer for them!!

p.s "SONE's LOVES SoShi as SoShi LOVES SONE's" aaahhh so good to hear this~~

thankies for the news~~

"let's Go SoShi! Let's Go!"
"Let's Go SONE's! LEt's GO!"


In Topic: [UFO] SNSD Best UFO Replies March 2011

06 April 2011 - 05:43 AM

wwaaa~~ finallyy!!! i can see sica yuri and seo's UFO replies yesterday i can't view it!! thank you for the people who fixed it!! sica is sweet for saying "mine" ahahah possesive much ice princess?? lol and yuri ahahah you will definitely say "ouch" if you ever really want to do that but who will?? no one dares to do it to the sergeant sic! and taeyeon's hilarious replies!! can't stop laughing! and seobaby is just really like her~ ahahah wonder if they're will be replies from the others~ before yoona replies often~ but anyways thanks for translating!~