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Member Since 12 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2011 06:27 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [MESSAGE] Yoona & Donghae

15 June 2009 - 07:47 AM

Omo. They're really cute!
Especially Yoona... she's like a little kid! The way she asks him to add her as a friend is way too CUTE!
And Donghae is such a darling 'meanie'... he doesn't reply to her properly, instead he just laughs and... cries?!
Haha. That just show how close they are!

Thanks for sharing and translating! ^_^

In Topic: [SOSHI] A&F sweaters, hats, scarf, yoyo, Betsey Johnson Duffel Bag, & tote bags

15 May 2009 - 06:18 AM

Wow! This is so cool! And so sweet of the girls to be really using SSF's gifts for them! Aww. That's why I so love them! And the gif with the YoYo is really very cute! I love it! Thanks for sharing the pics and gifs! ^_^

In Topic: 2009 Happy Birthday Soy and Tiffany

19 April 2009 - 08:14 AM

Oh. Late! T_T


*Soy - Thank you so much for making this all happen! Without you, there's no soshified, and without soshified...where would I be?! You are so hardworking and really very smart to come up with and maintain an amazing forum such a this, and I'm really grateful to be a member of this site! Happy birthday Soy! I wish you good health, another year of happiness, and lots and lots of blessings! Continue to touch our lives through soshified and SNSD! Stay great and stay with Yuri all the way! Happy 18th birthday! :D

*Tiffany - Another person to thank for making soshified the best SNSD site ever! Your being hardworking and dedicated touches the hearts of a lot of soshi addicts! I wish you all the best! Continue to touch our lives through soshified and SNSD! Happy birthday! ^_^

In Topic: [YOONA] Yoona using Tinkerbell fleece #1

22 November 2008 - 10:55 PM

Wow. She really looks so cute with the tinkerbell blankie!
So happy that she finally used a gift given to her!

Yoona <333

In Topic: [SOSHI] - SNSD wears Lollipop necklaces~

08 August 2008 - 11:53 PM

AWWWWW...they are just super adorable!!!
they're toooo cuuutttteeee...! like lil kids! haha...
ohhh...poor YoonA, she's all alone...
and she's looks real tired...maybe bcoz of YAMD filming...but she's still SUPER CUTE!!

SNSD hwaiting!