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Henry Luu
Member Since 15 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Dec 28 2014 11:55 PM
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- Member Title SoshiHoney
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In Topic: Happy Third Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대
05 August 2010 - 04:37 AM
This is so impressive, it show tat sones could do everything and show ours love to the girls! Even though we can't help them through many things cause we can't be with them every second of the day but they can cherish every moments we show our true feelings to them by reading our blog and sending them supports over the world. I mean i haven't been a sones for tat long only a year or so but i grew up with them as I age. They are amazingly great I'm so happy for their 3rd years anniversary I wish the best of luck to them as well as all the sones in the world to whose support them every single second of their hard works. The pink ocean will never die, it will just continue to get larger and larger every time we believe in love we spreading! Right Now, It's Girl Generation
I'm just so happy and excited for the further more future we will see our girls in!

In Topic: 100,000 Members!! SSF reached the Epic Mark!
20 June 2010 - 12:51 PM
Soshified! Congrats to u guys! You guys had work so hard and effort to put in this site and now is the moments of joy and happiness for all staff and Soy. So with all my respect for you guys. I would liked to Thank Soshified from the bottom with heart! Yay

- Soshified
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