Yo, Names TaeJun (Korean)
I also go by: Zeke (English)
: Hai (Vietnamese)
: Seiji (Japanese)
: Xiao-Li (Chinese)
Loves: Music (*SNSD,BIG BANG,2NE1,DBSK*)
- Piano,Guitar,Drums(a lil)
Sports (Basketball+Soccer)
Maritals Arts (Karate+Kung Fu)-(both currently training)
Dj-ing - i sing a lil. im not great.
Dance - Breaking
*Quest Crew* Rules!I can't live w/out my i-pod,cell,laptop and car.
This is Where Chaos Reigns And Heavenly Music Are Made
9 is the new lucky #
Long Live the SNSD Family!
Note: lil cousin colored my "about me" page. isnt colorful and cute?