May j
Member Since 02 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Oct 17 2021 09:54 PM
About Me
Hello, Hello, Hello~! My name is May or May J whatever floats your boat! I'm a big ACE Family Fan you know JeTi,SunYeon,YoonYul,and HyoYoung lover!(Ofcourse Maknae too!!!) But all in all I love all the members!!
Okay so maybe two reasons why your reading my profile one which is the most likey your LOST.....And two you were probably wondering who that emoticon's comment writing freak you saw in one of your favorite FanFic's is!
Sooo Iam not a FanFic writer because it's hard to meet demands I know cuz I'am the one Blowing up ur inbox if you don't Update fast enough haha J/KBut much respect to the FanFic writers you guys are amazing and I know that if I ever would become a FanFic writer that I would FINALLY understand the pressure you guys are always in!!
Ummmm did I mention I love JeTi?
So enough about me Iam pretty nice..... But if you'd like to make friends or ask questions don't hesitate to add me as a friend,comment,or message I'll try to answer as best I can so Yea!!
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