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Member Since 22 Dec 2009Offline Last Active Jan 08 2019 07:11 AM
About Me
Milk's Secret Blend[1-shots]
My Girlfriend is a Celebrity[OG COLLAB]
As a Taeganger, I promise to despise all aegyo, to remain secretive with my butt fetishes, to laugh whenever and however I want, to spread my 'amajjing!' Engrish to everyone, do everything I can to help Taeyeon in her quest to conquer the world, and to wear a mustache to make my Taeyeon proud!
As a Royal Family shipper, I must favor all 9 of them equally, a little biasness is acceptable.
I must favor TaeNy for them being the first married couple and their dorkness for the "come chase me" attitude.
I must favor YulSic for their bold and icy love story, which are not meant for the weak hearts.
I must favor YoonHyun for their puppy like love and close relationship, alongside with their parents consent.
I must favor SooSun for their peacemaking and nonsense arguments plus, their ultimate height difference.
I must favor Hyoyeon being the prankster in SNSD - Hyoism
.only one.
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In Topic: [UFO] Sunny, Hyoyeon, Yoona UFO Messages
13 June 2011 - 06:11 AM
so many of them! and i dunno where should i start!
hyoyeon's UFO are really really rare! precious!
and sunny, she is very encouraging and hyper in her replies. her's are the best!
yoong is just being whacky. heeh..
In Topic: [MESSAGE] 4th Anniversary: Send Girls' Generation a Postcard
05 June 2011 - 03:24 AM
In Topic: [UFO] Taeyeon UFO Messages
20 May 2011 - 10:28 PM
soonkyu's mine?! so protective and possessive of taeyeon. SUNYEON FTW! heheh.
and the k.i.d yuri? hahaha... she's mocking yuri right. haha.
she's so dorky and random while replying the UFO.
whats with the do la ma fa sol joke. hahaha. mocking on yuri again? ahahahha.
and abt the cooking thing, she should call sooyoung as well other than yoona. haha
In Topic: Happy Third Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대
05 August 2010 - 01:51 AM
hope you guys will achieve what you guys wanna achieve. and mayb the Lord always be with u.
stay happy and healthy. thats what i really hope for you 9.
always sty in your best health and produce good music to us in future!
will be waiting for ur debut in Japan.
and everything will go smooth for u 9!
In Topic: [ARTICLE] Tae Yeon in Singapore
05 June 2010 - 08:07 AM
but sad to hear that her was disturbed alot by the fans here locally.
i wanted to see her so so so badly, even when i was having exams .
i knew about where she was heading to the afternoon (the flyers)
but i had to stop myself because i wanted her to enjoy her vacations.
and lucky i didnt.
i wan her to come as 9. TT
i'm really sad thah she feels this way for her trip here.
and the newspaper. omg la~
i swear i'm never goona read them.
and korean artists are hitting the headlines again fro today's paper. sigh~~~~
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