Member Since 18 Dec 2009Offline Last Active Jan 06 2014 03:26 AM
Profile Feed

jamielle → -E-M-O-G-
Hi, we just started our entertainment recently and it's still in trial stage. Please take time to visit our thread, STAR ENTERTAINMENT, and listen to our first released collab. We wanna hear a feedback from you, that will serve as a big help for our improvement, and it's very much appreciated. Thank you. Have a good day.

-E-M-O-G- → D-iCE
Hey hyung.... will TGPE (Szone) gonna collab Breathe - B2ST? if yes tell me I really want to join ^^

-E-M-O-G- → francie
Hey franc what's up? I'm really sorry maybe this kinda annoying for you but I just want to ask something, Does the collab already finished?

-E-M-O-G- → D-iCE
Hyung... I already finished the collab with chinguplex and btw the offline message from YM, I cannot read it because there is something wrong with my YM ^^'

-E-M-O-G- → D-iCE
Hyung... I'm really sorry for didn't give you the new clip, I just finished my Test so I can give now but it's to late you already publish the MV... I'm really sorry hyung >.<

Ketchup. → -E-M-O-G-
Uhh, I don't really remember, it's already a long time ago... ;A;
Try googling, you might find some 8D
Try googling, you might find some 8D

D-iCE → -E-M-O-G-
oooppsss sorry I dunno.... T__T I only know how to mix songs n__n