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Member Since 16 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 04 2021 09:14 PM

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In Topic: [MESSAGE][From. SOOYOUNG] I went to MuCore>_

09 February 2013 - 08:26 AM

omg HAHAHHAHA Sooyoung is the biggest SONE! 

she wrote this like a fan account.. she's role playing as a fan kekekeke

besides, she never call members 'unnies' .. this post is too hilarious

#Happy23rdSYDay ^_^

In Topic: 05 - Promise

29 January 2013 - 09:51 AM

aww this song may have a position like Complete in the concert!



Sometimes I want to be alone, being watched by so many can be difficult
When I want to live and breathe an ordinary life, then



reading the whole lyrics now i completely understand why they sang it right after the talk about fans in Romantic Fantasy..

In Topic: [OTHER] Umeda Erika's past Spazzings

12 June 2010 - 02:57 AM

the girls even attract a star from Japan! wow ^^
there must be any other celebrity out of korea who love our So Nyuhs!^^
i hope Erika will help SoShi during their visit to Japan

In Topic: [FAN ACCNT] A Samchon Fan's Account, (Part 1)

18 May 2010 - 05:57 AM

I really think this is one of the best Fan account ever made ~~~^^
this is just like me btw. i once really hate kpop.. until i watch the girls. omo. the different is just that u're a samchon :P while i'm just a high school girl.. thats it.
and i think you really love the girls, and i know that me either. the girls are just way too awesome!^^ they really touched my feelings.

In Topic: [02.27&28.10] Into the New World Encore Concert

27 February 2010 - 08:09 AM

OH MY GENIE~~~~ the fan girl in front of you was the luckiest person in the world! XD
she got a bottle where Fany just drank of.. oh my XD can't imagine if it happens to me! XD

and the JeTi moment.. dragging Fany so that they stand close to each other? XD what a moment~~~~~! XD
can't wait for tomorrow's encore fan account! XD now i really wanna go to Seoul :(