Member Since 12 Dec 2009Offline Last Active Jan 25 2021 10:59 AM
Profile Feed

velaques11 → tiffxsdj
fanyfanybear...!! today is your birthday, isn't it?? happybirthday uri fanyfany..!! wish you all the best...and come back quickly on collab thread...miss you so much dear...>.<

harumiAi12 → tiffxsdj
Hi Tiffany! I just wanna tell you, you've got Luna's part for Gangsta Boy ^^ I just wanna make sure you'll know haha b'cause I remembered you said SSF doesn't notify you of your PM's :)

sweetkissess → tiffxsdj
@Tiffany: can you record tiffany's last part? kindly prolong the 'your' here's the instrumental http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSL4MYexouU&feature=g-all-a&list=PLD2047C6FF98B765E&context=G22b0e26FAAAAAAAAFAAso that you can handle it.

mintchoco → tiffxsdj
wahhh when i always see your profile pic... i always think that you somehow look like taeyeon .. seriously you and taeyeon look like sisters XDDD... LOL so random just saying hahaha happy new year by the way :D

LOLLLL i was gonna replace it with a new one! but now it wont let me add one :\
Nov 05 2011 01:38 AM