Member Since 23 Nov 2009Offline Last Active Private
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hwaiting7 → TeteCaca
merry christmas and happy holidays! :D
hope you have a good one and receive lots of love and presents~! xD
& may the years to come bring you happiness ;)
hope you have a good one and receive lots of love and presents~! xD
& may the years to come bring you happiness ;)

I know someday you'll forget me..... because there will be a someone more than I make you happy....

TeteCaca → Phoenix92
thax noona (=]]) help me upadate in this week :x
I'/m come back >:)
I'/m come back >:)

SoNyuhShi Daelover → TeteCaca
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! I'm really sorry for being so late ;___; But I hope that ur special may still be filled with the awesomeness it's going through today ^_^